Day 18-Pick a Word



Do you ever look at your partner and see your entire future?  Our first ABC adventure, was on the Agawa Train Tour, you can read about it here.  I remember looking at my husband and thinking about all the ways I adore him. Adoration is defined by Webster’s dictionary, as deep love.  I love this mans quirks, the challenge he presents me and his strengths.  I want this time together, this time which is just for us.  I want him to know that in this moment, he is my priority.  I want to offer him my undivided attention, so he knows that I hear him.  I want to wake each morning and make him feel like the most important person in the world. I want to retire each night, satisfied that we have given our best, to the betterment of our marriage.  I want him to know that he is utterly and completely adored because this is exactly the way he makes me feel when we focus on our relationship.  This marriage, this friendship, this love, is the future I saw for us, the very first time we held hands.  It is the same one I still see every time I hold him.  Celebrating our adoration for each other, was the best place to begin our ABC adventures.

Document the Journey



Play the word game!  Mix up your journaling by focusing the content around a single word.