“A” is for “Anniversary at Aonach Mor”!-Harbor Springs, Michigan


Thirty years is a long time to be married.  We wanted to do something different for this special anniversary.  Since our wedding date falls on January 8th, we are often at a loss for how to celebrate during the peak of Michigan’s winter weather.  We had booked a beautiful room in Harbor Springs, Michigan for the weekend.  As part of our Anniversary package, we were given $150 resort credit, to be used at any of the nearby Boyne Resorts.  I scanned the opportunities.  There was skiing, tubing, dog sled pulls, horse drawn sleigh rides and something called the Aonach Mor Moonlight Dinner.  Since we were on an “A” themed adventure, this caught my eye.

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A is for Amazing Alden

P7047772 It was a hot summer day, as we set off to explore our first Michigan city. Barely a pinprick on a map, Alden is tiny.   Alan and I had often passed right through on our way to somewhere seemingly more exciting. With a population of just 125 people, it is easy to believe that there is not much there.  Opening the atlas we decided this was the nearest “A” themed location, to our home. Determined to find something of interest in this sleepy little town we traveled for nearly an hour, specifically to see it. Entering the four block long town, colorful signs announce that you have arrived, but blink and you will have traveled beyond the few stores and restaurants that reside in the restored buildings, dating from the 1800’s.

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A is for Alcohol


Would you be surprised to learn we rarely drink alcohol?

Would you be surprised to learn we rarely drink alcohol?


If you like alcohol you could center your next adventure around a drink.  Perhaps order an aperitif, absinth or Amaretto Sour before you eat.  Or, you might choose to wash your meal down with an ale.   If you don’t like to indulge, there is always apple juice or apple cider.  Wherever your “A” theme takes you, it is sure to be a journey.  How will you tell your story?

A is for Animals


"A" is for Ape

“A” is for Ape

Animals make it easy to create and A themed adventure.  How about going to a zoo to locate alligators, alpacas, anacondas, antelope, amphibians and apes?   Or perhaps a visit to an aquarium or aviary would be more unique.   An adventure can be as simple as observing ants.  Wherever you choose, there are many animals to discover on this great journey into the letter A.

A is for our Amazing Earth

Acadia, Maine and the mighty Atlantic ocean!

Acadia, Maine and the mighty Atlantic ocean!


Perhaps you desire to stand in awe of our amazing earth.  National Parks are great for this.  In Maine, you could visit Acadia to view the Atlantic ocean.  Across the country, in the state of Montana, you might choose to discover an alpine meadow in Glacier National Park.

If it is high “adventure” you seek,  you might want to add Australia to your ABC bucket list, with a goal to see the Aurora Australis.  You’ll have to go  further north to view the Aurora borealis.  I hear the Alps, Alaska, Argentina and Africa are awesome too.   Where will you take your next “A” themed adventure?


A is for Appetite

Everyone needs to eat.  What about creating an adventure around food?  Here are a few ideas to whet your appetite:

If apples are your thing there are many adventures  you could create around this fruit.  Visit an orchard, then bake them in a pie and then serve it “a la mode”.  You could teach someone how to make applesauce.  If you don’t like apples, there are also “apricots”.   If vegetables are more appealing, try asparagus and/or avocados. For the seed eaters among us, how about almonds and/or acorns?

You could have an adventure by eating a la cart off a menu, or by trying  different appetizers at several restaurants.  Adventures could also center around Asian or Australian cuisine.  Food is always a great reason to explore.  Where will your journey take you?


Document the JourneyWRITING TIP:

Food brings people together, so why not let it be the subject of one of your next entries.  Consider the traditions that form around the food.  Who are the characters?  Is there a recipe that has been handed down? What stories get told around the food?  Does food trigger a memory from childhood?  These are all great things to include in your journal.  The next time you dig into your favorite food, try writing a bit about it.

A is for Art

Art Prize!

Art Prize!

Within each city, there are many ways to create an “A” themed adventure.  In almost any location,  you could explore art.  There are many ways to do this.  You could make art, or go to an art gallery, or an art museum.  You could further specialize this activity, by viewing abstract art exclusively.  Perhaps an art & craft show is more your speed. There are a lot of ways to focus on art.   One of our personal favorites is Art Prize.

If you are ever in Grand Rapids, MIchigan during  September and October, we highly recommend this free event.  This is a contest, which draws artists from around the world.  For nearly 3 weeks, entries remain on display throughout parks, streets, restaurants, laundromats, theaters ect.  The entire city seems to participate.  This event covers miles of area, so wear your walking shoes!  Artists compete for your vote in an attempt to win the $200,000 cash prize. Visit for an hour, or stay for a week, there is plenty to explore.

A is for Airplanes

Air Show!


There is always something going on in a city A community calendar will show a list of events.  If you are lucky, you might discover an air show.  You could pass the time by watching  acrobatic planes, performing aerial maneuvers.    If you can’t find an air show, how about heading to a nearby airport and dreaming about your next adventure.