“A” is for “Addictive Alpine Chocolate”-Gaylord, Michigan

Renowned for its distinctly German heritage, Gaylord is a small town with big charm.  As I researched “what to do” in the area, I came upon the business “Alpine Chocolate”.  It was the word chocolate which had my attention, which could have easily steered me to the letter C.  Instead I assigned it the letter A, intent on making it my first stop.  My addiction for chocolate began long before I needed to fulfill the letters on our most recent exploration!

Opening the door to the area business, my senses were in overdrive. Giddy with anticipation, I felt like Charlie in “Charlie in the Chocolate Factory”!  What to explore first?  Should I sample the famous chocolate covered potato chips, or the chocolate covered strawberries?   As I moved carefully up the curving paths, meant to steer me towards every single temptation, the visual feast of handmade chocolates lining glass filled cases had me as giddy as the day I shopped for my wedding ring!  Samples were offered  at each location, meant to ensure I slow down and savor the confections.  I can tell you that caramel corn takes on a whole new meaning when drizzled with chocolate and peanut butter!

From the friendly staff to the blue, Tiffany style box used to package your confections, everything about this business is deliberate.  Chocolatemeister, Bruce Brown was the son of a factory worker.  After decades of tinkering to find the perfect chocolate blend, he has now opened several of these stores, located throughout Michigan.  They can be found in Boyne City, Plymouth and Sault St. Marie.  His grand vision of covering us with sweetness, is evidenced in his attention to detail.  I can’t wait to visit the other locations but for now I will be content to enjoy my Chocolate covered rice crispy treats and specialty chocolates.  Alan has found his favorite too, in the form of Sea Foam, the closest he has come to his beloved Crunchies from England.  Knowing these goodies are homemade makes them that much more special.  We will savor the treats and the memories made today.

Alpine Chocolate House  208 W. Main Street Gaylord, MI (989) 732-1077