ABC Lists-Exploring With The Letter A

This is an ever expanding list of adventures for the letter “A”.  Generally Alan and I use a dictionary to generate a long list of  “A” words.  We then try to use these words to spark date or travel ideas.   Read through the adventures below, to see some of the ways we might put the words together, to come up with our adventures.  This list may also generate ideas for photos to take, while we are on the date and/or offer words we might try to incorporate into our story.  Keep the list going by posting “additional” ideas below!


What should you celebrate?  “Anniversaries” are great times to create something special, but why not make “April and August” an “awesome” excuse for an “adventure” too?

Does your birth date make you an “Aquarius”?  How about an “astrological” themed date?  Perhaps you could incorporate a bit of “astronomy”.

Maybe your “accommodation” will be an “apartment” through an “Airnb”,  or maybe you will choose to stay home in your own “abode”.

If you are staying home, this might give you time to “accomplish” something around the house.  Maybe you have been waiting to decorate an “alcove”. 

Dates don’t have to cost much. You could spend time looking through your “albums”, or simply express your “affection and admiration” for each other. 

Perhaps you could invent a game of “anagrams”. 

If you want to make this day special, how about serving “afternoon tea” or make yourself “attractive” by dressing up, for no reason at all.  

You could always research your “ancestry” together, or create some “ambience” and bestow “accolades” on one another.

You could even veg on the couch and watch the “Amazing Race” and dream about where you would like to travel.

Another free date idea, would be to just “amble along” and hope you come “across agates “.  Could you find heart shaped stones to express your “adoration” for each other?

There are lots of ways you could spend your time, what about “Antiquing” while looking for “ancient artifacts”? Or maybe there is an “auction”, or “arcade” nearby.   You might even find a place to play “air hockey”.

“Amateur night” is always “amusing”.  Be warned though, it could become very “animated”.

Would you be able to create a date using color only?  How about “azure or amethyst” as a starting point?


For the price of “admission” you could visit an “amusement park, an aquarium, or an “atrium”.  Even a museum might yield an “A” themed display.  Think  of the “art, armor, Apatosaurus, and alabaster” carvings you might see!  Wouldn’t that be amazing?

To give your date structure, perhaps you would enjoy a “architectural” tour of “Antebellum” homes.  Or perhaps a visit to an “Atrium” or “Avery” would be interesting.

Sometimes you just need to see something in a new way.  What transportation will you take as you go on “adventures”?  How about “ascending” in an “airplane”  to let it carry you to far “away” places ?  Or travel by “ATV or Airboat” for a completely different view.

Maybe you would like to travel “abroad” to  “Africa, Argentina, Asia, or Australia”, or perhaps “Antarctica” would be more to your liking.

“America” has some “amazing” places to see.  You could climb “aboard” an “Amtrack” train, to travel “across country” to see “Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas or Arizona”.  Within each state, you’ll find plenty to do.  Now imagine all of all the great cities which start with an “A”,   there’s “Atlanta, Anchorage and Austin” to name but a few.  Colorado Springs doesn’t start with A, but the “Air Force Academy” would be a great start to an ABC adventure.

If it is physical “activities” you desire, think about “archery or aerobics”.

“Adrenaline” junkies needs lots of unique and heart pounding experiences to feel “alive”.  How about an “action” filled day?  You could start by becoming an “astronaut” and experiencing complete weightlessness, as if you were in space.  There are Zero Gravity centers, for this “activity”.  They are in Cape Canaveral and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Las Vegas, Nevada and Oakland, California.

You could be part of an “audience” and listen to an “author”.  Be sure to ask for his “autograph”, when you are done.  Or write your own “All About” book.

Maybe choose to do something “academic”.  How about a class in “aromatherapy”?  Or you could learn about “Alexander the Great, or “Ancient Civilizations”.

Are there “A” themed cultures you would like to explore?  How about “Algonquins, Amish or Aztecs”?

You could go to an “arena” to see a concert, or watch a sport.  You see, there are really no rules. Most of our dates and adventures are just word play.   “Assemble” your words to “achieve” what you want them to say.