Day 19-Tell a Story

One of my favorite journal entries was about a man I had observed entering a train I was traveling on. The train had been filled with tourists heading up Mount Snowden in Wales.  These were just ordinary people but then a very scary looking young man entered the train.  I did not know this person, but he exuded an intimidating air about him and he reeked of alcohol.  He was young.  He had a flask of alcohol and appeared intoxicated.  My sight seeing of the scenic journey had existed just beyond the window which he sat next to, it was an interesting juxta position of exploring while keeping one eye trained on this person and experiencing some discomfort at having to occupy a seat next to him.

This was a twist on my usual travel entries.  On that particular adventure, my journal entry would have typically   been limited to explaining how we had taken a train to the top of Mount Snowden in Wales.  I could have described the weather, the way the light flickered on the mountain and the climb in the elevation which had made me woozy.   Instead, I added this interesting character and included details which surrounded us as we shared the time together on the train.  As he stumbled off the train, I watched him head toward destinations unknown and built on this metaphor for my own travel adventures.

A story has a beginning, a middle and an end.  As you create an entry in your journal, consider writing in this form,


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