Journal Prompts-Travel Writng Prompts For “After” Your Visit

The following journal prompts can add interest to your travel journal.  Here are a few to use “after” your visit.

  1. Describe the highlights of your trip?
  2. What was your favorite tour or activity?
  3. What was your favorite meal?
  4. Describe your favorite day or evening on this trip.
  5. Recall something funny that happened on the trip.
  6. Were there any challenges or outright disasters?
  7. What was the worst thing that happened on your trip?
  8. How did this adventure help you grow?
  9. Has your perception of the destination changed because of this trip?
  10. Has this trip inspired you to make changes in your life at home?
  11. What is something new you learned from this trip?
  12. Is there anything about this trip that didn’t meet your expectations?
  13. Is there anything you would do differently next time you visit? (For example, experiences you missed or mode of travel?)
  14. Overall, would you visit this location again?
  15. What is one thing you wish you would’ve done?
  16. Did this trip challenge your limits physically or put you out of your comfort zone? Will you make changes on your next vacation?
  17. How did you feel when you arrived home?
  18. What do you wish you had packed and what could have been left at home?
  19. What is one piece of advice you would give someone else going on this trip?
  20. Where do you want to go next and why?

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