“K” is for “Ketchikan”-Alaska

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Looking for information about Creek Street, my reasearch about this famous location in Ketchikan, Alaska, quickly led me to a sordid history of protitution and bootlegging!  Today, along the banks of Ketchikan Creek, there exists only a quaint collection of historical buildings, boardwalks and wooden palings,  Tourists have replaced the bootleggers and now flock by the thousands to the brightly painted buildings which contain galleries, restaurants and specialty shops.  Some of the earliest buildings date back to 1903.  Back then, this area looked vastly different, containing only a few brothels as well as a shingle mill, a cooperage and several water wheels which used the power of the creek to generate electricity.  From the 1920’s to the 1950’s, prostitution was so popular that the there were 20 bawdy houses in this area alone!



Copy (1) ofDSC_0850At the time, prostitution was Ketchikan’s number one industry.  In fact, it was so popular that it inspired a saying; “Creek Street is where more men, than fish, went upstream to spawn!”

These days, the best viewing areas for spawning can only be found at the end of Married Man?s Trail, a path located along the edge of Creek Street.  Here you can pause near the salmon ladder.  This is a great place to observe and photograph the salmon jumping up the cascading waterfall on their continuing journey upstream.


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Creek Street is built over the water and on stilt structures.  Early settlers found this was easier than blasting into the solid granite that the structures now lean upon.  During prohibition, Creek Street was the place to go for a drink.  Most of the houses have a hidden trap door.  Bootleggers used this to their advantage.  They  waited for high tide, then under a cloak of darkness, they would quietly row their rowboats up under the doors as they smuggled Canadian whiskey to the  saloons and supply houses!  The only thing we saw swimming under the buildings was a lone seal looking for salmon!

Creek Street is one of Ketchikan’s best attractions.  If you are coming by ship, depending on where you dock, it can be a little bit of a hike from the piers. Still, come rain or shine, this is an area not to be missed!


Visitors to this area might also find the following links useful:

Ketchikan Maps – Walking tour maps & more of the Ketchikan Area
Ketchikan Webcam – Live photos of the Ketchikan Area
Ketchikan Weather – The highs & lows of living here!


To read more about the Ketchikan area, see the ABC Destinations or Alaska links.