Day 2 Journaler’s Journey-10 Reasons to Journal


Document the Journey


Writers Workshop-The Journaler’s Journey-Part II






Ten Reasons to Journal

1)      You are the keeper of your own life story.

Have you ever heard the same story told from two different people? Most of the time, it is never told exactly the way that you remember it. A journal allows you to keep a record of the details. Often, we think we will remember those details but here is a great lesson to try. Write the events of today, now try to do the same for yesterday or the day before. How far back can you go before the memories begin to get fuzzy? Daily journaling keeps the truth in the details preserved so that when you are ready to share your life story, you only have to take a walk through the pages of your journal.

2) You are unique.

Life is something that happens every minute of every day. Which also means there is always something to talk about. The best part is, that your experiences are unique to you. Remember, no one will ever have the same collection of memories and life experiences as you. No one!


3) You are interesting.

Do you find yourself fascinated by the details of other people’s lives? We all share common experiences, it is what connects us.  What do you want people to know about you?


4) You have lessons to teach.

As we share our thoughts, we also share our values.  What message or life lesson is there to be learned from your words?


5) You are creative.

You might think that your journal is a collection of seemingly random ideas.  Imagine if the words on your pages inspired you to publish a book, write a song, paint a picture or develop a script? All great poets began with a single word!


6) You are your own guidance counselor.

A journal is non-judgemental and also reflective.   It can relieve stress and heal. Visualize your journal as your best friend, the one who allows you to pour out your pain and just vent, the friend who listens without judging! What will you find out about yourself? What will your words reveal about your relationships?


7) You will be remembered.

Good or bad, every person is remembered for something.  How do you desire to be recalled?  Imagine if you had the power to create your own legacy, to write your version of life events.  How would you then fill the hours in your day? What would you do if time and money were no object?


8) You are a  storyteller.

The biggest hurdle for most people when keeping a journal, is the fear of skillful writing. Forget the grammar rules and spelling for now. Just tell your story. Be descriptive as if you were speaking to someone.  Practice eventually makes perfect.   Regularly writing in a journal willalso make you more imaginative. The more you write, the more confident and skilled storyteller you will become.

9) You are aware.

Writing the goals and direction for your life allows you to live more purposefully. This organization lets you witness small or large changes over time.

10) You are currently living your history.

Have you ever entered a museum and marveled over old photos and stories? The stories of today, become the history of tomorrow. Keeping journal offers a glimpse of everyday life, to future generations.