Day 7-Use The Words of Others

Quotes, song lyrics, great titles, all can evoke strong feelings and memories.  Try mixing up your journal entries by including a few of these along with your favorite photos.

The following image was taken on an ordinary day.  Alan and I were working on “flipping” a house for profit.  The home is an hour away from our residence.  I was meeting contractors at the house extremely early in this day.  This was my view along the way.  I was running a few minutes behind and could have chosen to bypass the opportunity to capture this beauty, instead I pulled into a parking lot.  For one moment I just breathed and enjoyed the view.  I might have journalled about the beautiful sunrise that morning, perhaps even discussed the wildfires that were raging on the West coast as being the cause for such extreme beauty. I might have given extensive detail about the pressure we were under and the deadlines still to meet.  Instead, I have chosen to pair this image with a simple quote of inspiration, giving it as a gift to others who may see it.  Our interpretations of this image then become vastly different, by limiting the things I say.  When I choose to do this in my journals,  you may not know the background story of this image, but it may just leave you imagining your own beautiful, peaceful day which is still full of opportunity!  Creating images and words  like this might make a great cover page to a travel album. Perhaps it will lead you to want to discover what else took place along my journey!
