Day 12-Pre Journal

So you’re busy getting ready for that much anticipated trip.  There is still so much to do, the last thing you are thinking about is journaling.  The clothes need to be washed, ironed and packed, the kids have three more events to attend and you are leaving tomorrow.  You begin to hyperventilate, wondering how you will fit everything in.  This look into everyday life helps others connect with you, on a more personal level.  Our journals tend to reflect the positive news reels, the highlights if you will.  When you finally begin your journey, why not let a little day- to- day activity fill your pages?  Tell us what was happening before you finally started your adventure!


photoSept. 18, 2015

I am finally seated on the plane.  It has been a whirlwind of an adventure getting here.  This whole week was filled with hard labor.  We are currently working on renovating a house, with the intention of selling it in the next month or so.  This means there are deadlines to keep.  After hearing the kitchen countertops will take 4-6 weeks, from the measure date, we are in a panic to get the kitchen prepared.  Between Sunday and Wednesday of this week, we have worked late into the night, to completed the painting on the main floor,  lay the bamboo flooring in the kitchen and dining room and install all of the kitchen cabinets!  Thursday, the day of our departure, we nervously waited for the counters to be measured.  There couldn’t be more than 1/8 of an inch difference in the level across all of the cabinets.  We were due to leave Traverse City at lunchtime.  Measuring was taking place around 10am.  There would be no time for corrections or adjustments.  If this didn’t work the first time, we would be waiting 6-8 weeks for our installation, as we would need to reschedule our measuring for after we returned from our trip.  We needlessly worried.  Still, we didn’t depart on our road trip, a seven hour journey to Niagra Falls, Ontario until 3 p.m.  Somehow I managed to find house cleaning to do until then!  After finally getting going, we enjoyed a lovely roadside picnic dinner and pulled into Niagra at 11pm.  A midnight walk to the falls, a romantic sunrise, and a day of sightseeing, was followed by crazy drivers, extensive construction, another 1 1/2 hour long car ride to Toronto.  Then, we had trouble locating where we planned to drop the car off for the week, followed by long lines at the security point.   We had allowed nearly five hours for our short trip from the falls into Toronto.  As we sat wolfing hot dogs and fries down for dinner, the minutes to boarding passed quickly and we ended up throwing half of our meal away!  Surprisingly, it seems the remainder of the night passed uneventfully and we woke, following a peaceful night of sleep, just as the plane began to descend into Manchester airport.  We are now ready to “officially” begin our vacation!