Day 14-Post Journaling








You’ve just returned from your trip, responsibilities call.  The laundry is piled high, dinner needs to be prepared.  You long for those leisurely moments, which you spent with your journal at that wonderful cafe’ along the river.  You know the journal isn’t complete.  There are still details missing.  You may have pages of hastily scrolled facts, but no substance.   So how do you complete the task?

1.  Every time you journal, reward yourself with a favorite cup of coffee, tea, ice cream, listening to music, a walk, or some other treat.  You’ll soon look forward to picking up your pen!

2.  Find someplace fun to write.  Sit by a river, sip coffee in a cafe’ or wherever inspires you.  You can return to this same spot daily, or make a new adventure by finding a different location to write each day.

3.  Connect writing to routine.  Do you sit down to watch tv each night?  Perhaps try to write for 10 minutes before allowing yourself to turn on the television.

4.  Make an appointment with yourself.  Block out a period of time to write, on the calendar.  Treat this appointment as you would any other and make sure to follow through.

5.  Post to a blog.  Your readers are generally curious about what you are up to, which in turn may provide some incentive for regular posting.

6.  Find a writing buddy.  We all have friends who are working on something…getting in better shape, eating better etc.  Partner with these people.  You write at the same time they are fulfilling a goal.  Check in and praise each other as you complete your goals for the day.

7.  Try not to think of writing as a chore.  Let yourself relive those travel memories for some part of the day, it will be like taking a mini vacation!