ABC Lists-Exploring With the Letter “E”

This is an ever expanding list of date ideas for the letter “E”.  Usually we use a dictionary to generate a long list of   words, which might help generate ideas.   Read through the adventures below, to see some of the ways we might put the words together, to come up with our adventures.

1.  Get up “early” to watch the sunrise and “enjoy” an “English breakfast”.   Then, just take it “easy” for the rest of  the day.     You could stay in your pajamas and go shopping for “each other on E-Bay”.

2. Go to a restaurant to eat.  Make sure it serves an “Early Bird Special”, if you want to save money. Order your favorite “entree”, or “eggs, eggplant, elderberry, enchiladas and/ or Eastern or European Cuisine”.  All great “E” themed foods to try. You could even wash it all down with an “Espresso”, or “Earl Gray Tea”.

3. Take an “entourage” of friends to an “Escape Room”. Make sure you like them though because you will be locked up together, in a “themed” room for 60 minutes.  You must cooperate by using clues to solve puzzles, which will help you escape.  This makes an “epic” gift.

4. Perhaps animals are more interesting to you.  Egrets and elephants both begin with E.  Could you visit a bird sanctuary, or a zoo to see them.  Have you ever ridden an an elephant, or gone to a circus where they perform?  How about an Equestrian Center?

5.  We love celebrating any holiday.  “Earth Day” is one which comes in the spring.  There are many ways to observe it.   What a better way to spend a date, than  by “engaging” in activities such as a parade, or a clean up “event”.

6. Maybe learning is something you like to do.  How about attending a class, watching a documentary, or visiting a museum?  You could choose to learn about “Egypt and/or Egyptians”, or maybe the “Economy” or “Entomology” is more your thing to study.

7. “Elders” always appreciate a visit.  Whether “eight, eighteen or eighty”, people have numerous “experiences” to share.  “Engaging” helps us all connect.

8. Sometimes it is fun to just sit at the “edge” of a cliff, or watch a movie that keeps you on the “edge of your seat”, either would be very “entertaining”.

9. What about taking a car ride, and making only “East” turns, to see where you “end” up?

10.  Perhaps you will  visit an ocean and watch the tide “ebb”, or perhaps an “eddy” is easier to find.  Float in the water to “ease” the week away.

11. Concerts are always on the list, “Electric Light Orchestra” would surely get you “energized”.  Or, you could put on “elegant” attire and sip “effervescent” drinks while being “enchanted” with the “entertainment” of your choice.

12. Take and “epic” trip and cross the “equator”.

13. Connect with the seasons by celebrating the winter or fall “equinox”.