A is for Appetite

Everyone needs to eat.  What about creating an adventure around food?  Here are a few ideas to whet your appetite:

If apples are your thing there are many adventures  you could create around this fruit.  Visit an orchard, then bake them in a pie and then serve it “a la mode”.  You could teach someone how to make applesauce.  If you don’t like apples, there are also “apricots”.   If vegetables are more appealing, try asparagus and/or avocados. For the seed eaters among us, how about almonds and/or acorns?

You could have an adventure by eating a la cart off a menu, or by trying  different appetizers at several restaurants.  Adventures could also center around Asian or Australian cuisine.  Food is always a great reason to explore.  Where will your journey take you?


Document the JourneyWRITING TIP:

Food brings people together, so why not let it be the subject of one of your next entries.  Consider the traditions that form around the food.  Who are the characters?  Is there a recipe that has been handed down? What stories get told around the food?  Does food trigger a memory from childhood?  These are all great things to include in your journal.  The next time you dig into your favorite food, try writing a bit about it.