“F” is For Fern Grotto-Our Hawaiian Adventure

Today marks the 8th day of our 55 days of world exploration. Since leaving home on January 17, 2023, we have already played in Los Angeles and on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Alan and I would begin the day early again, so we started the morning with a breakfast on our balcony. The sunrise was beautiful as we arrived in our second port of Hawaii, the island of Kauai. We were Malahini, or newcomers to these lands and we were once again refreshed and ready to explore.

Kauai is a small island at just 33 miles wide by 55 miles long. There is only a single road which only accesses about 1/3 of the small island. After much studying I had learned that the best ways to view this island was by boat or plane, so I had booked tours for us to do both. Our first stop would be the Fern Grotto.

A grotto is a cave which occurs naturally or is man-made. The pictures which I had seen of the Fern Grotto were spectacular and I was very excited to see it. The tour was touted as a visit to a geological wonder of Kauai promising an ampitheater, where ferns grow upside down from the roof of a grotto, which had formed millions of years ago.

There is only one way to get to the Grotto and that is via boat! In fact, The Wailua River is known as “the only navigable river” in all Hawaii, which would make the adventure even more exciting. I felt as if we were discovering hidden places.

There are a couple companies which offer tours on the 22.5 mile long river. We would be traveling with the Smith family for just two of those miles. This family has been navigating the river since 1946. Our boat for the day was called the Whitney K. She was one of several on the river that day.

Besides the few boat companies, the only other way to get to the grotto (which is owned by the Smith family) is by kayak. These could be rented or one could take the half hour journey up the river in their own kayak. Except for the rain which was falling off and on, I think we would have preferred this mode of travel.

Instead we had chosen what I affectionately refer to as a cruise ship “Granny tour”. These are the kinds of trips which are sedate and slow. perfect for the elderly, which we are not yet quite there. This was a float trip down a winding river, while relaxing, it was boring. Don’t get me wrong, the river is pretty enough but the view doesn’t vary much and powering under our own efforts would have at least given us something to do.

The saving grace to our boredom was that we were treated to a pretty spectacular rainbow, which spread across the river as the sun peaked out for a moment after one of the many showers on this day. It was a short lived reprieve from the gloomy day and we soon found ourselves back in our soggy conditions. Thankfully we could remain under cover on our boat while being regaled with the history of the river, as we made our way to the Fern Grotto.

We learned that the water which feeds the river comes from Mt. Wai‘ale‘ale, one of the wettest spots on the planet receiving about 465″ of rain a year! Kauai is the forth oldest of the Hawaiian islands. I was interested to learn that lands along the river were the sacred capital of ancient Kauai and the birthplace of the island’s ali‘i, or royalty.

After about half an hour we reached the dock to disembark for the short walk to the grotto. Normally there would be a performance of The Wedding Song and a hula dancer at the Fern Grotto where they would perform The Wedding Song at the amphitheater, but the rains were preventing it on this day, so the musicians performed on the boat, as we waited out yet another shower.

I had seen spectacular images of the Fern Grotto, so it was disappointing once we finally arrived. There was a lot of greenery but I was very disappointed to realize much of the old grotto had collapsed leaving only a fraction of the original glory. A little creative photography and I was able to capture a piece of the former glory.

In fact, the decline of the Fern Grotto’s began when it was hit by Hurricane Iwa in 1982. It was then nearly destroyed as Kauai was hit by Hurricane Iniki in 1992. Most of the ferns hanging from the grotto were torn from the rocks, With nothing to hold the ground together, the roof of the spectacular amphitheater began collapsing. In 2006 a woman sued the Smith family after being injured by falling rocks. The grotto is no longer accessible by foot and may only be viewed from a distant wooden platform. Although much of the plant life has rebounded, the grotto has had a difficult time recovering as new plant life has sprung up with increased light which now floods the gully.

All was not lost on this tour. After viewing the gully we were able to return to the boat via a flower lined walking path. My camera clicked from one flower to the other, as I attempted to capture the beauty of the native Hawaiian plants which surrounded us. Walking among the colorful exotic tropical plants sproting from the floor of this rain forest I realize I am in my most perfect element of serene peace. It was in this way that I would come to continue recommending this tour for others to enjoy. Perhaps the float trip had been more fabulous than even I had imagined it could be. Perhaps “Granny trips” are exactly what my soul needs as I learn to relax into this sixth decade of my life.

“E” is for Eternal Flame-Our Hawaiian Adventures

While on our Pacific Island Tour, our first stop after departing Los Angeles was the island of Oahu in Hawaii.  The cruise ship docked at Pier 2.  We would be in port until 11pm.  Our first tour wasn’t scheduled until noon, where we had a 10 1/2 hour exploration at the Polynesian Cultural Center planned to fill our afternoon and evening hours.   Never ones to waste time, this meant we still had a couple of hours available to explore the capital city of Waikiki, before the tour began.

A scout around the internet had given me a historical/architectural walking tour, which I figured we could complete in a couple of hours. After being at sea for four days, we were more than ready to explore.  Waving over our shoulders to the ships camera, with the hope of our family seeing us, Alan and I were off the ship by 9am.  With the time changes, we had already been up for several hours as we had watched the ship pull in.

Hand in hand we began walking, our goal was to see any of the 8  historical landmarks in Hawaii.  Many of these are Heritage Sites. These locations provide cultural explanations and the history behind them.  Today we had a goal of seeing the Kawaiahao church, the Capitol Building, the beautiful Iolani Palace, the Parliament building and the King Kamehameha Statue and finally the Eternal Flame monument. This is how the Eternal Flame Memorial became our letter “E”.  It was a 30 minute walk and we had a lot to see before getting there, so we stepped up our pace.  The flame is located directly across from the Capitol Building at 420 So. Beretania St.

The original Eternal flame has burned since 1944, in memory of the attack on Pearl Harbor, but this sculpture was re-dedicated in 1972 to all the men and women of Hawaii who have bravely served.  A palm lined path gently guides the visitor past the homeless population which often hangs out in the area.  It makes sense that they find the area inviting as this area overlooks the beautiful land which is Hawaii.  With the capitol of Waikiki behind us, the Eternal Flame lends a quiet, contemplative air in contrast to the hustle and bustle of the busy city.

The flame is protected from the elements by an interesting metal sculpture which shields it from the wind, ensuring that it burns non-stop.  Perhaps this is the same embrace we should offer to all our vets.

Many of the homeless here are former vets.   As they huddle beneath the statue, I can’t help but be honored to be in the presence of those who have protected us.  After all, isn’t awareness the real reason that this flame burns endlessly?



“D” is for the Do’s and Don’t of Visiting Dubai-Our Middle East Adventure

Our cruise came to an end in the city of Dubai.  As we left the ship, we were happy to have completed two of the five legs along the 2023 Island Princess World Cruise. After 55 days on board, this was actually the halfway point of the 110 day cruise and nearly double the length of time we had originally planned on being on board.

It was before 7am as our ship pulled into the port.  The day began with a spectacular orange sunrise.  Normally a red sky in the morning would be a warning for rain or stormy weather ahead, but Dubai sits in the middle of the Arabian Desert. With an annual rainfall of just 4 inches a year, there was little chance of seeing any moisture on this day.  The sunrise was more likely being affected from the permanent haze caused by the blowing sands.

As we sailed past the “Atlantis Dubai”, an all inclusive resort and waterpark reflecting the “Lost City of Atlantis”, it quickly became apparent that we had arrived in a country of opulence.  It is difficult to imagine that this city started as little more than a fishing village.  It has now grown to be the most populated city in the United Arab Emirates Republic (UAE).

Most would assume that Dubai’s wealth was the result of oil.  In fact oil and gas only account for about 2% of all exports!  Real estate and construction are the largest contributors to the economic growth of the country. When 85% of the population is made from expats, it is easy to see why this is one of the fastest growing cities in the world.

Truth be told, I was a little nervous about visiting this city.  This is a country with deep traditions and customs, many of which are quite different from our Western way of life.  Mostly my concerns stemmed from my own ignorance about what to expect.  A little research solved that problem.  Perhaps by sharing our observations, we can help to dispel any concerns about visiting this amazing location.

1. The majority of the population is Muslim.  This is a deeply rooted religion with different rules than those of Christianity.  The most important “do” is to respect this.  Part of being a world traveler is to immerse yourself in new cultures.  Each new location presents an opportunity to learn, embrace it.

2. Muslims pause to pray 5 times a day. Prayers are before dawn (Fajr), afternoon (Dhuhr), late afternoon (Asr), after sunset (Maghrib) and evening (Isha).  There are loud speakers throughout the city which call worshippers to prayer at regular intervals throughout the day. Don’t be alarmed when you hear the calls. Unlike in Christianity Holy day is Friday.  This means many businesses offer limited hours on Fridays, if they open at all.  Do plan accordingly.

3. Do take public transportation or use a taxi.  We rented a car to explore the city and stressed ourselves out completely.  Traffic on the seven lane highways is fast and a bit difficult.  Our GPS had trouble distinguishing from when we were on a highway verses a frontage road, meaning we were often off course, which cost us precious time.  Since we were only in the city for a little over 24 hours, we couldn’t spare any.  The city is beautiful and there is much to see.  Traffic is so busy you will not want to take your eyes off the road which means you will miss some of these spectacular sights.  Take a taxi or take the Metro.  If you choose to ride the train, it will be busy during rush hour.  There are a few cars for women only.  if you are male, don’t ride in these female only cars or you will be fined.  Speaking of fines, do not eat or drink on the Metro, it is prohibited.

4. Dubai is spread out with several distinct districts.  Some are more difficult to access without transportation.  Do know the district your hotel and/or desired activities are in.

5.  With the exception of smoking cessation gum, you will not find gum for sale in Dubai so do bring your own if you need it. Don’t spit or throw your gum on the sidewalk, both are punishable crimes.

6. You are going to be hot, so do dress accordingly.  Dubai is warm year around.  The most comfortable time to visit is during “winter” months of December, January and February.  You can still expect temperatures to be in the high 70’s (25C).  At the opposite end of this spectrum it is up to 113F (45C) during the summer months!   Light, loose clothing will keep you comfortable. Speaking about clothing, do remember you are a guest in these lands.  Different from the western world it is expected that men and women both dress modestly to observe Islamic traditions,  Knees and shoulders should be covered by both sexes.  Don’t forget your sunscreen!

7. Do exchange some money.  When using cash, only local currency (Emirati durham) will be accepted.

8. The best don’t is don’t worry about your safety (within reason of course).  Dubai has an incredibly low crime rate.

9. Do not miss visiting the popular tourist spots!  Be sure to see the Burj Khalifa,  The tallest building in the world is an architectural wonder.  The views from the 124th floor are slightly nauseating and completely awe inspiring. Do expect the lines to be long.  If time is limited most of the tourist hot spots offer a “skip the line pass”.  As an added bonus, the Burj is attached to the Dubai Mall which is another one of the must see locations in Dubai.  We also suggest a visit to the Gold and Spice Souks, Old Dubai and the Miracle Gardens (which we completed all in one day).

10. Alan and I are very affectionate with each other,  There is rarely a time when we aren’t holding hands.  Public displays of affection are frowned upon in Dubai.  In fact, if you are not married, even holding hands is frowned upon. It was a tough don’t for Alan and I to remember.   Along these same lines, unmarried couples should not plan on staying in the same hotel room.  Doing so, could lead to fines and/or deportation.

11. As a traveler it is fun to photograph different cultures.  People can be so different but do be polite and ask permission before taking someones photo.  Alternately you could take photos of other things and just happen yo capture the environment.

12. Don’t take pictures of Government Buildings.  As we were cruising down the above waterway, there was a cool bridge just before our boat turned around to return us to our starting point.  Shortly after taking this picture there were also numerous signs warning no photography beyond a certain point. I am not sure what lay beyond that bridge but if the Emirates might consider your photo an issue of national security, you really don’t want to be in trouble with the law in foreign lands. Do follow the rules, punishments may be strict for seemingly minor (and perhaps innocent) infractions.

13.  Speaking about laws, Alcohol is available in most hotels, licensed restaurants and clubs. One thing is certain, the U.A,E does not tolerate public inebriation. Do not ever drink and drive, the legal limit is zero.

14.  Finally, do not try to carry prohibited items.  It is especially important to remember that you packed a pen knife in your carry on luggage before you pass through security at the airport.   Failing to do so might bring a search of your bags and a very serious security agent to your side!  Thankfully I wasn’t carted off to any back rooms.  Do expect that you will be questioned and asked to surrender your “weapons”, if you forget.

Dubai is one of the most liberal countries in the Middle East.  With the large expat community there is a tolerance for most differences.  With these few simple guidelines you should have enough familiarity to feel comfortable in this amazing country.

“K” is For Korean Friendship Bell-Our Los Angeles, California Adventure

Arriving two days before we would set sail on our partial World Cruise Adventure, afforded us the opportunity to explore the Los Angeles area. With an eye toward nature, scenery, history and culture in all of our research, I had feared we would have to spend the day by the hotel pool. How very wrong I had been! My sleuthing had uncovered a plethora of activities which would meet our desires and keep us busy from morning until night. Our first stop on Day 2 of our trip, would be the Korean Friendship Bell.

We were momentarily lost as we looked for the entrance to the bell. Indeed, we soon discovered that many locals have never even been to this beautiful location. The GPS had given us the location only as far as old military barracks. As we looked out over the San Pedro harbor, we realized that the Korean Friendship Bell was actually the next entrance over and up a steep roadway which lead to the most beautiful open park and stunning views of any area that I have seen.

A plaque at the entrance describes how the US had acquired such a gift. The pavilion took ten months to be built by Korean craftsmen “to celebrate the bicentennial of the U.S. independence, honor veterans of the Korean War, and to consolidate traditional friendship between the two countries”. From the tree which had been planted by the Korean President himself, to the carefully curated landscaping, and the concrete circles which once held cannons, I wanted to explore everything.

I also felt the spiritual connection of this special place and the friendships which had been born between two nations. This seemed to be a location for quiet contemplation. I witnessed a quiet reverence as many approached the bell.

Build atop old bunkers and resting peacefully on a high knoll, overlooking the sea gate from which U.S. troops once sailed into the Pacific, the bell site affords an unsurpassed view of the Los Angeles harbor, the Catalina Channel and the sea terraces of San Pedro hill.

The 17 ton bell sits inside a beautifully painted pavilion.

Also known as an Emille Bell, the bell is patterned after the Bronze Bell of King Songdok, which was cast in 771 A.D. and is still on view in South Korea today. This bell remains among the largest of its kind in the world.

With a height of twelve feet and a diameter of 7-1/2 feet, the bell is made of copper and tin, with gold, nickel, lead and phosphorous added for tone quality.

Four pairs of figures, each pair consisting of the Goddess of Liberty holding a torch, and a Korean spirit , are engraved in relief on the body of the bell. Each of the Korean spirits holds up a different symbol: a symbolic design of the Korean flag; a branch of the rose of Sharon, Korea’s national flower; a branch of laurel, symbol of victory; and a dove of peace.

The bell is rung each year on: Independence day, July 4, National Liberation Day of Korea, August 15, 9:00a.m.-12 Noon and New Year’s Eve, September 17 to coincide with bell ringings around the country to celebrate Constitution week, also on January 13 for Korean-American Day. The Bell is also rung 13 times on the 1st Saturday of the month at 11:30 a.m. There is no clapper inside the giant bell, instead a large wooden log is pulled back and allowed to strike the bell’s side.

The bell is set in a magnificent pagoda-like structure which was constructed on the site by thirty craftsmen flown in from Korea. It took them ten months and costs $569,680. Everything about the pavilion is symbolic. There are twelve columns representing the twelve designs of the Oriental zodiac. Animals stand guard at the base of each set of stairs leading to the pavilion.

Bring a picnic, revel in the beauty of the open ocean and plan to spend some time exploring the walking paths which surround the pavilion. Be warned though, it is always windy at this location.

Korean Bell of Friendship and Bell Pavilion
Angels Gate Park
3601 S Gaffey Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 548-7705

“C” is For Crown Plaza-Our Los Angeles, California Adventure

We originally booked a hotel near Los Angeles International Airport in preparation for our cruise departure. After reading extensive reviews, I switched our hotel booking to the Crown Plaza,

Once I realized that we were due to sail out of San Pedro, about 30 minutes south of the airport, it seemed easier to get ourselves there for our two night stay.

We arrived later in the evening on the first of a two night stay, too tired to explore the amenities but a fresh room awaited our exhausted bodies.  Forgive the photo of our room, I forgot to take the picture when it was all put together.

We wouldn’t realize how very close to the cruise terminal we were, until the light of the next morning. Many of the upcoming World Cruise passengers were also staying there.  It was a great way to meet them before setting sail.

We chose to rent a car so we could do some sightseeing on the way to the hotel. There was a drop off point just outside the hotel, which made it easy for us to have a one way car rental.  It is also possible to get an Uber or Lyft from the airport for about $35 USD.

The main draw of this hotel is the approximation to the cruise terminal.  We could walk a mile to get there if we chose,  but handling 6 pieces of luggage across several roads might have been a challenge.

Even though the cruise terminal is within view and walking distance, it is far easier to take the shuttle. I knew that we ourselves had 6 suitcases to handle for the trip, so I imagined how challenging luggage was going to be for the many passengers who were doing the entire world tour!

When cruises are in, it is highly recommended to book your time slot the evening before or as soon as you check in.  You will be given a departure time if the shuttles are very busy. The cost of the shuttle is $5 a person and runs every 15 minutes.

When I asked about handling all of the luggage, I was told the 35 passenger busses had had 10 seats taken out to accommodate the extra bags.  There was plenty of room for all of us and since the cruise terminal is only 1 mile away, the shuttles make quick delivery of passengers to the terminal.

There are many amenities within walking distance, including a great restaurant called the Green Onion.  How could I say no to some of the best Mexican food ever?  Especially when it was only 350 feet from the door of the hotel! The area appears safe both day and night. Of course for those guests who don’t want to venture out, there is also on-site dining in the elegant hotel restaurant if you so choose.

All in all, this was an adequate hotel for our needs for the couple nights before we set sail.

If you are interested in this location, I would suggest booking through booking.com.  We were able to get our room for under $200/night (including taxes).

“B” is for Blimp-Our Los Angeles, California Adventure

Blimps, they are the most fascinating feats of air travel! In its most simplistic explanation, blimps are helium filled balloons, with a basket attached to the bottom.  They carry over 100 gallons of water to weigh them down since helium is literally lighter than air! They are navigated by a pilot.

As the Goodyear blimp hovered over our heads while visiting Los Angeles, we were racing against the clock to catch a photo.  We had to find a parking place near Redondo beach and hope that the sun wouldn’t cast the last rays of light before I could spring from the car all while while whipping out my camera.  No my photo isn’t perfect but that isn’t the entire purpose of playing the alphabet game is it?  We were having an adventure!

Knowing there are only about 10 blimps remaining in the world, I knew we were very lucky to be seeing this one so close to us!  To put it in perspective, there are more astronauts than blimp pilots!  The ones flying this craft tonight seem to be toying with me as they hovered overhead, then looking out to the Pacific ocean, that we would soon be embarking on for our upcoming cruise.

With such a fascination for the blimps, it is a wonder we don’t see more of them but then the most notable blimp in history was the Hindenburg and most of us still remember that tragedy which happened in 1937.  After about 60 flights that one eventually caught fire, killing 35 people and dooming the entire industry for future development.

Today the most iconic blimp remains the Goodyear blimps.  Originally developed over 100 years ago, the blimps continue to be one of the most interesting branding mediums for the company.  Goodyear has cornered the market with their blimps.  Mostly they are brought out to hover over major sporting events and offer the spectators a birds eye view as the event is broadcast from overhead.

Seating only 10 people at a time, riding in a Goodyear blimp is by invitation only and is usually reserved for charities.  Seats are auctioned off for a cost of $14,000 for 2 people!  With a 10 year waiting list, It is the rare person who will ever have an opportunity to ride in one.

The last true blimp to fly was decommissioned in 2017,  Goodyear has replaced their fleet with semi-rigid dirigible though they still refer to them as blimps since they are powered in much the same way and the term is much easier to say.

The new blimps are quieter and more easily navigated meaning they can be more readily used at major sporting events such as golf championships ensuring the Goodyear legacy will continue;

On this cool winter evening, I will revel in keeping my feet on the ground while still being close enough to this icon to see the pilots!

“A” is for Averill Park-Our Los Angeles, California Adventure

We would have only 1 1/2 days to explore the Los Angeles area as we waited to embark on the first leg of our World Cruise Adventure,  set to depart from San Pedro, California on January 19, 2023.  We had arrived two days before we were due to set sail, to ensure there were no last minute challenges.

We chose the Crown Plaza for our accommodations since it would be easy to get to the ship and also offered a nearby drop off for our rental car.

I am not generally a fan of big cities and prefer the quiet of the countryside and nature.  It was in this way that I had come to discover a hidden gem known as Averill Park, as I sought some refuge from the concrete jungle and traffic of the city of Los Angeles.

San Pedro is best known as a busy cruise and container port.  Located about 30 minutes south of Los Angeles airport, on first appearances, San Pedro doesn’t appear to have much to offer but since we had the rental car, getting around was fairly simple.   I was determined to find the beauty.

After arriving by plane, we had spent the first day stopping at the beaches which dot the coast between the airport and San Pedro.  Today our adventures would carry us from the hotel, to the Korean Friendship Bell, then to Averill Park and all around the Palo Verde area.

I chose Averill Park as our letter “A” because it had been described as offering spectacular views of the city and harbor.  It sounded like a delightful place to practice with my camera.

The neighborhood park was created by Herbert Averill an early developer of the Vista del Oro area of San Pedro, and was deeded to the city of Los Angeles in 1920. It has remained a peaceful oasis for local residents ever since.

Parking for our hike through the park was a little interesting. The 10 acre park is set among steeply rolling hills and the paths challenging.  We tried to guess which would offer the least resistance.  It was futile.   Since this is just a neighborhood green-space, there are no fees to park.

As we set out on our walk, I enjoyed seeing families perching their children in the gnarled wood of the amazing trees.  I imagined the memories which have been made in this over 100 year old park.

Holding the hand of my love, Alan and I enter the park along the rose lined path.  The roses were not in bloom this time of year but I could visualize the amazing colors which lead to the gazebo at the end.  In the summer, this is considered one of the top wedding venues.  I can feel the love here.

San Pedro is a neighborhood of Los Angeles, not a separate city.  With a population of over twelve and a half million, green space is at a premium. Word has been getting out about this special place. Today is a weekday but the park is still alive with activity as people breath the fresh air and escape the hustle of the nearby city. I can only imagine the droves of people who make their way here during the summer.

As we make our way down the steep hillside we round a bend in the path and I pause to take yet another photo of the amazing trees.  Arriving at the babbling brook, I breath in the newly sprouting greens of spring and gaze into the small stream  which meanders through the valley.  I think of the countless reflections of the people who have been photographed on the little stone bridge which crosses over to the other side.  Today a turtle is the only thing I see in the water.

My ears follow the sound of rushing water to the little waterfall cascading down the hillside.  This is a reminder that the path back to the car, is all uphill!

It is time for us to move to our next location.  As the sun shines bright upon my face and the turtles rest quietly on the rocks of the stream, it is hard to tear myself away from the tranquility but our adventures for the day have only just begun.  There is still much to explore, so we begin the trudge upwards.

If you would like to discover this quiet neighborhood park for yourself,  it is located at:

1300 Dodson Avenue San Pedro, CA 90732

Los Angeles-An ABC List of Adventures


Use this list to spark ideas of places to visit, experiences to create and photographs to take.  Keep building your own word list.  Check back often to see if we complete a whole alphabet!

Missing  J, X, Y


  • Abalone Cove (San Pedro Area)
  • Abandoned LA Zoo (Griffith Park)
  • Accomodations
  • Afternoon Tea ( Millennium Biltmore DTLA)
  • Amoeba (Large independent record store)
  • Angels Flight Railway
  • Annenberg Space For Photography
  • Animal-Hipster restaurant with an extensive menu and unique dishes.
  • Aquarium (Manhattan Beach, Aquarium of the Pacific, Cabrillo Marine Aquarium)
  • Arclight Cinemas
  • Art Walk
  • Averill Park


  • Beach (Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach)
  • Betegga Louie-pizza and macarons are always popular at this busy restaurant.
  • Bergamot Station
  • Betty B Dearing Trail Hike
  • Blimp
  • Bluff Cove (Palo Verde area)
  • Boardwalk (Manhattan Beach, Santa Monica Beach)
  • Bob Baker’s Marionette Theater-oldest children’s theater company in LA.
  • Book Soup
  • Brennan’s Pub Turtle Race


  • Cabrillo Marine Aquarium
  • California Science Center
  • California sign
  • Capital Records Building
  • Cargo containers
  • Carousel
  • Castle Peak Hike
  • Cave of Munits
  • Chorizo
  • Chinese Theater
  • Chateau Marmont Hotel-Popular amongst celebrities. Loosely resembles the Chateau d’Amboise in France’s Loire Valley.
  • Coast
  • Cove
  • Crown Plaza (hotel)


  • Dodger Stadium/
  • Disney Hall
  • Disneyland
  • Downtown LA
  • Descanso Gardens
  • Donut Snob-With flavors like Blueberry Earl Gray Tea and Pistachio Orange, there is something for everyone.
  • Donut Man


  • Exposition Park Rose Garden
  • Exposition Park
  • El Capitan Theater
  • Eaton Canyon Waterfall
  • Echo Park Lake


  • Father’s Office Burger (at In and Out Burgers)-don’t dare to ask for ketchup!
  • Ferris Wheel
  • Fishermen
  • Food


  • Getty Villa
  • Griffith Observatory
  • Grand Central Market
  • Gibbon Conservation Center


  • Hollywood Blvd
  • Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • Hollywood Bowl
  • Hollywood Sign Hike
  • Hollywood Forever Cemetary
  • Huntington Library
  • Hike
  • Hermosa Beach


  • Inspiration Point
  • In and Out Burgers
  • Ice cream (Manhattan Beach Creamery)




  • Lakers Game
  • LA Lakers
  • LA Waterfront cruise (cargo ships, containers, Vincent Thomas Bridge, USS Iowa and sea lions)
  • LA Zoo
  • Los Angeles County Museum of Modern Art
  • Lost Sunken City-aka the “Atlantis of California”
  • Leo Carrillo State Beach
  • LA County Fair
  • Lighthouse (Point Vincent-Palo Verde area)
  • Lucha Vovoom Burlesque Show-
  • Lookout Point Park (Palo Verde area)


  • Muscle Beach (Venice boardwalk)
  • Magic Castle
  • Mugu State Park
  • Melrose Trading Post Flea Market-Sunday open-air market where you’ll find antiques, vintage goods and collectibles.
  • Museum of Jurassic Technology
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Madame Tussauds Hollywood
  • Manhattan Beach
  • Mahhattan Beach Creamery (Ice cream)-try the signature ice cream sandwich made with artisan cookies
  • Malaga Cove (Palo Verde area)


  • Nightlife
  • Night Gallery


  • Outdoor Concert


  • Pacific Ocean
  • Pier
  • Pelicans
  • Pelican Cove
  • Portuguese Point
  • Point Vincente Lighthouse-not open to the public but can be seen from the shore. (Palo Verde area)
  • Palo Verdes


  • Queen Mary


  • Rodeo Dr.
  • Red Car Line (trolly system)
  • Runyon Canyon Hike
  • Rodeo Drive
  • Redondo Beach


  • Starfish
  • Sacred Cove
  • Santa Monica Camera Obscura-self guided walking art tour of galleries and exhibits.
  • Santa Monica Pier
  • Sea lions
  • Ships
  • Show Taping (Conan, Ellen Show, Jimmy Kimmel)
  • Shopping (The Grove, Rodeo Drive)
  • Silver Lake Meadow
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • Space Shuttle Endeavor at California Science Center
  • South Coast Botanical Garden
  • The Strand (Manhattan Beach)- is a 22-mile paved path extending from Pacific Palisades (close to Santa Monica) to Torrance.  Keep in mind some people refer to The Stand as the “Manhattan Beach Boardwalk.”
  • Staples Center-where the LA Lakers play


  • Tide pools
  • Third Street Promenade
  • Traffic
  • Trolley cars (red car line)
  • “The Rainforest”-Betty B Dearing Trail Hike
  • The Last Bookstore-check out their amazing tunnel of books.
  • The Grove-Tons of stores, dining and pop-up shops.
  • The Grammy Museum
  • Traffic


  • Under
  • Union Station
  • Up
  • USS Iowa Battleship
  • Universal Studios Hollywood
  • Upright Citizens Brigade Theater


  • Venice Beach Boardwalk-outdoor skate park, BoHo boutiques and trendy restaurants
  • Venice Canals-Man made canals built in 1905 by developer Abbot Kinney.
  • Vincent Thomas Bridge
  • Vineland Drive-In Theater


  • White Point Beach
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall
  • Waterfront
  • Wayfarers Chapel
  • Wacko Soap Plant
  • Wildlife Learning Center
  • Watch the Room (Don’t forget your plastic spoons)
  • Watts Towers Arts-Public art sculpture that is a California Historical Landmark and National Historic Landmark.
  • Whisky a Go-go
  • Whale watching




  • Zuma Beach

“N” is For Newsletter-Our Around the Ship Adventure

From the moment you board your ship, there are things to know, new foods and drinks to experience and activities to engage in.  How do you keep it all straight?

Each evening a newletter will be delivered to your stateroom.  This will list the activities for the next day. Here you will find pool games, trivia contests, a list of movies which are playing, lectures, classes and what time the entertainment starts.

The newsletter will map out ALL the activities on board for the day.  There will be many and they will often be happening at the same time.

We suggest carrying a highlighter to mark those which interest you.  If two or more of you are trying to decide what to do, use a different colored highlighter for each person.

The newsletter will also let you know what time bars, restaurants, the casino, the photo booth and stores will be open.

It will often contain coupons, daily specials and discounts for photos, the spa, drinks and the shops.

There will be details about the weather and what time you are expected to be back on the ship.  The newsletter will tell you whether it is a formal, dressy or casual evening.  It may even give you some history about the locations you are visiting.

Learn to love and use this daily information resource to get the most from your vacation.


“I” is For Island Princess-A Cruise Ship Review

One of the most important things about cruising is choosing the right ship for your personal needs.  From amenities to cabins, itineraries and passenger capacity, knowing what your ship offers can have a big impact on how you enjoy your vacation.

Every cruise line has a brand.  Some are party boats, others offer upscale luxury.  Some ships specialize in their food, others focus on entertainment. Some cruises cater to families, others to retirees. Princess is an American-British company, owned by Carnival Corporation, which is the second largest agency by net revenue.  Carnival owns 10 different sub agencies, Princess is one of them.  They are an experienced cruise line and cater to a middle to upper income crowd.

Princess is a classic line, offering an Old English/European feel.  I have consistently found the brand to be slightly elevated and catering to an older clientele. There is less emphasis on poolside parties and more on educational lectures and cultural experiences.   With this cruise line we can expect nice staterooms, decent food, great entertainment and amazing itineraries.

It is important to define what you are seeking before shopping for a cruise.  If you are looking for a party boat, Princess is likely not your brand (however Carnival does offer several other companies which would meet your needs).  While there are enough poolside activities and bars to keep the ship interesting, the focus tends to be on providing an upscale resort-like experience.

Princess offers 16 ships ranging from 2,000 passengers up to 3660, so there are a nice variety of size options. Island Princess was one of the first.  She is a relatively small vessel.  In general, smaller ships are able to navigate to more destinations but larger ships may offer additional amenities and activities.

When we chose to embark on the Island Princess, it was the itinerary, size and price which attracted us the most.

Princess ships sail to over 700 ports. The Island Princess is one of the smaller ships in the Princess fleet. With a capacity of 2200 passengers it is a very intimate ship.   She has a twin sister called the Coral Princess.

Island Princess is narrower than many other cruise ships and her small size allows her to explore the fjords of Norway and Alaska (which is how we discovered the cruise line).  She is also able to dock at smaller ports.  Of late Island Princess has been doing mostly world tours.  Of interest might be that she is one of the few cruise ships which can sail through the old Panama Canal locks, larger ships must use the new ones.

Perhaps one drawback to the smaller ship would be that passengers should expect to feel more wave action, so if you are prone to seasickness, the Island Princess may be less appealing than one of the newer (larger) ships in the fleet.

Having been built in 2003, Island Princess is one of the oldest ships in the Princess line.  She was completely remodeled in 2017 and put back into service with a brand new itinerary. Our Pacific Island Adventure is one leg of a 111 day around the world cruise.  This feature in itself is unique, since Princess allows passengers to purchase various segments along the itinerary, if they are unable to commit to the entire trip.

World cruises can mean a lot of days at sea.  From bow to stern, Princess put a lot of effort into creating a luxurious environment.  The European flare is represented in the Italian styled Piazza located at the center of the ship and the beautiful Sabatinni restaurant.   Polished brass and rich wood work brings an Old World style to many of the bars and lounges including the Wheelhouse Bar and a New Orleans styled Bayou Steakhouse.

The entire ship is always a hub of activity, but with a nice variety of spaces, it is able to be as active or as serene as you need. By day there are a variety of shops and plenty of lounges and gathering places for activities such as trivia challenges and guest lecturers.  There are numerous options of where to eat including the above mentioned restaurants, two main dining rooms, a grill, a pizzeria and a buffet.  We might pass the time with a wine tasting, pub lunches and/or afternoon tea.  When we need a quieter pace we could choose to visit the adults only sanctuary at the top of the ship, a well appointed library or indulge in pampering in a small spa. We might lounge by one of several (freshwater) pools situated both indoor and out, or we might decide to walk around the promenade deck or exercise in the fitness center.

By night Princess continues to entertain with a variety of Broadway style shows, magicians, comedians, piano bars, jazz bands, a casino and more.  Unique to the Princess brand is the Champagne Waterfall, offered on one of the formal evenings.  This is yet another nod to the elevated luxury we find aboard this ship.  We also find people dress up more on these evenings than they do on other cruise lines.   When we seek quieter activities, we might choose to snuggle under provided blankets, while eating popcorn or cookies and milk and taking in a Movie Under the Stars.   This is one of our favorite ways to unwind when we are on the seas.

After all of this activity we are often ready to retreat to our stateroom.  The entire Princess line offers some of the most comfortable mattresses and linens of any cruise line.

We always book a balcony cabin.  For us, this little piece of heaven offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of the ship.  Being able to step out into fresh air and watch icebergs, sunrises/sunsets, whales and scenery from the privacy of our balcony offers the unique luxury that we equate with cruising.   We often order room service and enjoy a private picnic from this space.

Other people may not be that bothered about their stateroom, especially if they are only using it to sleep.  Interior cabins can offer deep discounts and Ocean view cabins may offer a similar views without the fresh air.  We have been spoiled by our balconies and this is now one feature our ships must always have.

One of my few complaints about the Island Princess is that she has some of the smallest showers ever, but you will always find good water pressure and hot water on demand, so it is (almost) something which can be overlooked.

This is our fourth cruise with this company (and its former company, P &O).  My favorite things about cruising with Princess are the consistency across the ships, the all inclusive options and the amazing itineraries. Being a little older, I also appreciate that the ships cater to (mostly) adults.

The Island Princess may be old, by ship standards, but she is well equipped to navigate the world and provide an outstanding and immersive adventure.   In the coming days we will continue to explore in depth, some of what this stately Princess has to offer.

“R” is For Reservation-Cruise Tips and Tricks

There are a few activities around the ship which will fill up quickly, specialty dining, salon and spa services, private areas and on board tours to name a few.

Booking these activities is one of the first things we do after boarding the ship.  Sometimes we use the time between embarking and waiting for our room to be ready, to get this done.  The faster you make reservations, the more options you will have.

The other great thing about booking on the first day of your cruise, is that there are often coupons and promotions happening that day.   Your embarkation newsletter can help you to decide which days to make reservations.  Formal nights and at sea days will be some of the busiest in the following venues:

If you have specialty dining options (as we did with Sabatinni’s and the Bayou Steakhouse), you will want to book a table as soon as you are on board.  These restaurants often charge a nominal fee above and beyond your usual dining options but if you are looking for a special treat and/or planning a celebration, it can be fun to have dinner in one (or all) of the unique venues.  These restaurants are often closed on port days.

Formal nights can be very busy times in the salon as women get their hair styled, nails done and indulge in pampering.  Massages and spa services may be hard to come by on any sea day.  Some of the best sales and discounts will be offered on port days.

Also, if you desire to spend time in the adults only “Sanctuary”  (specific to Princess Cruises), you will want to book this as soon as you arrive for your trip.  Again, this can be a busy location on sea days.

Finally, if any galley, backstage or bridge tours are being offered, this is a great time to make reservations for those too as spaces will be very limited.

It is important to note that the above items are generally not included in your standard travel costs, so expect to pay extra.

Because there are limited spaces and time slots available at these specialty locations and thousands of guests wanting the same experiences, these activities are often very busy and sell out quickly.  Make your reservations early.

“L” is For Los Angeles-Day 1 of Our Pacific Island Adventure

Today is day 1 of our Pacific Island Adventure.  For our own sanity, we prefer to arrive at the port the day before we set sail on a cruise, which means that we have some time to pass in this location.  Normally we would only have 24 hours to fill but a couple of months before we set sail, the airlines changed our flight arrangements which means we would have about 48 hours to occupy ourselves before our cruise set off.

Los Angeles, would not be my first choice of a destination to travel to.  As the second most populated location in the USA, it is busy. Personally I prefer the serenity of a forest, to the bustle of large cities, but that is just me.

Normally I would have been content to spend our time in a hotel room or lounging by a pool, because cities just aren’t my thing but this was too much down time, so I needed to find something meaningful to do. I challenged Alan to an ABC adventure which we will be sharing in its entirety during the month of March.  For today we offer just a sampling of what we explored.

Los Angeles is the largest city in the state of California. It is rich with ethnic and cultural diversity, giving us plenty of interesting foods to try and fascinating people to observe.  Under normal circumstances this might have been enough to occupy our short visit here but our research had revealed a plethora of exciting options and they were just miles from the airport.

Initially we had planned to take a transfer to the hotel in San Pedro but we wondered how we would juggle the extra supplies we wanted to purchase. We will be cruising for a month followed by 2 weeks of land activities.  I didn’t want to carry all of our consumables, so a shopping trip was in order.   A few minutes of scouting on the internet revealed we could rent a car through Budget Rental Cars.  There was an option to pick up at the airport and drop off at the hotel for about the same cost as paying for a transfer but a car would also give us enormous freedom.

This is how our first stop on our Pacific Island Adventure became Target, a large department store/grocery store, located just beyond the airport. It was an added bonus that we would be traveling down Pacific Highway 1, considered one of the most scenic roads in the USA and convenient to get our errands out of the way.  Where should we go from here?

Like all big cities, there is plenty to do in the Los Angeles area.  There are galleries, museums and performing arts to experience.  There are zoos, sports games and educational opportunities.  From Disneyland, to the World of Harry Potter and Universal Studios, it seems there is a theme park nearby to fill every interest. While not all are located in Los Angeles, they are all accessible within a reasonable distance from the airport.

The Mediterranean climate attracts millions to discover the city, the waters, the beaches, the Santa Monica Mountains and the San Fernando Valley.  The word beach has caught my attention.  This was more my idea of a vacation than the towering skyscrapers of the megalopolis of Los Angeles, which sprawls for miles.

After realizing we would be sailing out of San Pedro, just 30 minutes South of the Los Angeles airport, we decided to head that direction.  We crave nature and beauty.  The entire coastal drive held promise.   This area would lead us to beaches and some of the most scenic overlooks along the coast.  We set our sights on visiting the Palos Verde area which sits between LA and San Pedro.

This is the area the stars and starlets call home.  “Star gazing” is a sport in this city.  We are not star struck people.  In fact, the only stars I will be looking for today will be starfish!   In Los Angeles, Hollywood Boulevard and Rodeo Drive are just two of the places you might run into your favorite A-list celebrities.  Often they can be seen going about their normal errands, a cell phone in one hand and a triple shot machiatto in the other.  On our adventure, we would be keeping an eye open for them along the boardwalks and piers of Manhattan Beach instead.

Manhattan Beach

Just 5 miles from the airport and 19 miles from downtown LA, we quickly discover Manhattan Beach.  This short jaunt to the coast has us busy as we explore an amazing pier, built in 1929.  Many consider this pier to be among the prettiest in Los Angeles county and I am in my photographic glory trying to capture it.

As we stroll out over the water, we should have been able to see the entire Santa Monica Bay, the Palos Verdes Peninsula, and Catalina Island but there is a haze.  It feels like a different world from the city which lies directly behind us.  At the end of the pier is a beautiful two story octagonal roundhouse which has been converted into an aquarium, offering both fresh and saltwater tanks, a touch pool and many educational exhibits.  Best of all, its completely free!

Coming off the pier I realize we are so close to the airport and city that we can still see the planes arriving and skyscrapers which occupy LA!  We took a few minutes to explore the underside of the pier.  The recent rain in this area has created a high surf which is now fascinating to watch.

Our next decision was whether to play a game of volleyball on the 2 mile long beach, watch the surfers or take a stroll along “The Strand”.

The Strand

The Strand is a 22-mile paved path, extending from Pacific Palisades (close to Santa Monica) to Torrance.  Some people refer to The Stand as the “Manhattan Beach Boardwalk.”  Some of the countries most expensive real estate is situated in this area.  This pathway is so long that it actually connects to our next destination, which is Hermosa Beach.  Since it is only two miles, we could walk along the Strand but the day is drawing to a close so  we will drive there but many choose to run, bike or skateboard.  First we have a little more to discover in the Hermosa area.

Farmers Market

Before heading in that direction we take a little time to explore the downtown area of Manhattan.  We have arrived on a Tuesday, which lucky for us is the one day of the week that the Farmers Market is open.  From 11am-4pm, 45-50 vendors sell their goods. There is a wide variety of products to choose from including cheese, vegan cheese (made from cashews), dates, honey, berries, orchids, olive oil, ice cream, hummus, fish, and prepared foods. They  even have activities for the kids such as a mini-train and  face painting!   This is one of the best markets I have ever been to.


Following our trip to the market we did a bit of shopping in the downtown area then wandered along Manhattan Boulevard and Manhattan Avenue.  This is one of the wealthiest areas in the LA area, yet this beautiful beach town offers an inviting welcome to all.  There is something humorous about spotting a 20 year old driving a Ferrari.  We are all enjoying the same beautiful views, even though our experiences might be slightly different!

Ice Cream

As we finished the day in Manhattan Beach we decided it was time for an ice cream.We never pass an opportunity to sample the local recommendations, so when we heard about Manhattan Creamery, we knew we had to find it.  The store has a party-like vibe.  They are famous for their signature Cream’wich ice cream sandwich made with artisan cookies.  In addition customers  may choose macrons, caramel apples, candy, cupcakes and other frozen treats.  It is a sweet lover’s paradise.  After loading up, it is time to move to our next location.


As we make our way along the coast we quickly come to our second stop.  Hermosa lies just a few miles from Manhattan Beach. There is a different vibe in this community, it is more relaxed than Manhattan.   This town is filled with art.  We set out on a walking tour to locate some of the decorated utility boxes which line the street.  Murals cover numerous buildings.  The one below was visible for miles and we had to take a close up look to prove to ourselves that it was indeed just a painting!

The Strand continues through this town.  Palm trees guide us towards the open space.

The surf was so high today, they have closed off the pier.  We watch the sunset as a flock of birds takes flight.   We take a final walk along the Strand, a lone volleyball player practices in the blaze of orange.  The first of many beautiful sunsets we hope to see.


Redondo Beach

As the sun begins to dip along the horizon we hop to our last beach of the day.   This beach is filled with romance. The sea beckons as light scatters diamonds across the surface of the water and waves swell to propel surfers toward the shore.  Gondolas line up ready to whisk lovers to embrace a sunset. Tour boats sit ready to embark on dinner cruises and whale watching tours.  Overseeing it all are the seals and sea lions barking their orders to embrace the moment.  At least this was what we had expected to find from all our research, but none of that was here!  We suspect that many boats were moved as a series of strong storms passed through the area for the past couple of weeks.

What we did see was a beautiful pier filled with every variety of eateries ranging from fair foods to fine dining.

We chose to eat at Tony’s where pub food and bar are located upstairs and fine dining is in the lower level,  So our evening came to a close over a glass of wine, next to a roaring fire, looking over a beautiful surf.

During our two days in the Los Angeles area,  our days have been packed with beaches and beautiful views  Some of the most valuable real estate in the USA exists along this California coast.  So many of our adventures are completely free and absorbing this stunning beauty leaves me contemplative.   Sitting high upon the cliffs, these amazing homes look out over the Pacific Ocean.   There is a world of discovery ahead of us.

Visiting the cliffs, beaches and hiking trails, we can almost imagine that  we are far from civilization but then we hop on another highway and are quickly reminded that nearly 4 million people call this area home.  Like our circulatory system, I can almost feel the coursing of life running through society.

As  night approaches, the city takes on a whole new vibe.  Searchlights arc through the air, announcing the latest silver screen premier. Like a heartbeat there is a pulsating sound which seems to resonate atop every rooftop bar, as the music, pools and alcohol draw slinky-sexy crowds to come out and play.

The last 48 hours have already been filled with travel and sight seeing.  We have even made a final shopping trip to purchase the last of our cruise supplies. Tonight, safely tucked back into our hotel room at the Crowne Plaza in San Pedro, California we are happy enough to begin to wind down.   We can’t resist one last adventure as we head to the Rainbow Lagoon, where the illuminated Swan Boats guide gracefully across the surface of the water.  As we cuddle together on this January evening we are wrapped in a hug by the warm lights of this shining city.  Los Angeles hasn’t turned out to be so bad after all.

How would your ABC Adventure look in the LA area?

This is city life.  With so much to offer, there is no excuse for boredom.  We are happy enough to have been able to play in this area for 48 hours.  As with most of our adventures, we have filled every moment.  We are now exhausted and ready to spend the next 5 days at sea before our next stop which will be in Oahu, Hawaii.

The sea is calling, my bags need repacking and we are suffering from the time change.  We need an early night before embarking on our cruise tomorrow.

Tomorrow we set sail on our 42 day Pacific Island Adventure!  We invite you to continue to follow along.


“A” is for Arranging an ABC Adventure

The ABC Adventure is meant to encourage you to explore deeper and is intended to assist you with documenting your journey,  You are using your camera and language skills to document a story while adding some creativity to both.

An ABC Adventure is part personal guidebook, part word game, part photography challenge and part Scavenger Hunt.  It is all  fun.

“Rules” of the Game

  1. The first rule is that there really are no rules!  There are however a few missions.  The purpose of the ABC game is to live more deeply and to document the journey, but mostly to have fun along the way.
  2. The game is similar to a Scavenger Hunt.  It may be played by yourself, with a group, or in teams. You will take one photograph representing a word or phrase (that you choose) for each letter of the alphabet. You do not need to complete the alphabet in order. There is no time limit to the game (unless you choose to set one).
  3. Begin by choosing an anchoring theme for your game.   Put your anchoring theme at the top of the page.  This offers a little confinement to your mission.  ABC games are not limited to travel. Here are a few themes we have used:
  • Art in an Airport
  • Birthday Celebrations
  • Date Nights
  • Exploration By Country
  • Exploration By the City

You could also do an ABC food tour, an ABC cruise ship tour, an ABC art in the airport tour, your ABC Adventures are only as limited as your creativity.

  1. Write out the alphabet leaving blank space next to each letter.  Each letter will represent a single word or phrase. Once you assign the word or phrase, you will take a photo to represent it (or you can take a photo first and then assign it to a word). There are no limits to how creative your photography  or word choices may be.  In fact, the more creative, the more interesting the game becomes.

The choice of creating a guide before you begin a game is entirely up to you.   You can follow our process below, or jump straight to the Scavenger Hunt section.


Creating a Guide  (Wordplay and Personal Guide)

  1. The value in making a list is to see where you are going to be challenged.  Some letters are more difficult than others to represent.   Write out the alphabet leaving blank space next to each letter. We generally create our lists on the computer because the word list can become very long.  By having all the options, you can quickly see where an alternate word or phrase choice might exist.  Mostly the guide is a long series of questions.
  2. Where are you going?  What is the mission of this ABC Adventure? If you are doing a travel themed ABC Adventure, this may be continents, countries, states, cities, towns and/or villages.  If you are limiting your exploration to something like the cruise ship, then you might  write “C” for cruise or “I” for Island Princess (or whatever specific ship you are on).  If you were looking just for art in a museum then you might just record the name of the museum.  In our example below, My theme is ABC’s By State.  We knew we would be visiting several Hawaiian islands but I began with H-Hawaii then added K-Kauai since I knew we would be experiencing at least that much.  My list will eventually expand to include Maui and Oahu as part of an overall Hawaiian Adventure.
  3. Next ask yourself who is going to play the game/travel with you.  In our case, it will just be Alan and I, so I will add and “A”-Alan and “D”-Deb to my list.
  4. How will you get there? (example A-airplane, C-cruise, “R” Rental car etc).  Do you know of any other transportation you would like to experience? *Since much of Kauai  inaccessible by road, it is recommended to see from a sailboat “S” , “C” catamaran and/or “P” plane.  Do you already know if certain tours use a specific kind of transportation? You could use “K” for kayak.
  5. Next, begin to research tours or activities you might be interested in.  This is your “what will we do question”.  I often visit Trip Advisor or Pinterest to find fun things to do.  We knew we wanted to take a flight tour over Kauai so our abc list  began to look like this… A-airplane, F-flight tour  etc.  Always list multiple terms for each word, this is how you will eventually fill the entire alphabet with options.  Move from broad to specific.  You could also begin to get creative here…what about the letter “U” for Up (as in up in the air).  Each guide will be personal to your interests, activities and goals.
  6. Begin to fill in things you will likely see on the tour. For example,  as we researched the flight tour we knew we could use  “N” for Na Pali coast and “W” for Waimea Canyon. These were both included on the tour. As we read about  these places we noted that Waimea Canyon was also referred to as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.  We cross referenced the list with a “G”.      We knew these areas would be “L” -lush.  Our words were beginning to get a little more descriptive.  We knew that we would be seeing “W”-waterfalls and “R” rainforests.  We noted that the Na Pali coast was undulating. We added these words.  Hint, words spark creativity of photos and vice versa.
  7. Stay open to discovering new things to explore.  As we researched our options, we also discovered many other things we might be interested in exploring such as “F” for Fern Grotto and  “R” for Riverboat cruise, if we had time.  My mind raced with the possibilities of how we could spend our time.  What restaurants are recommended?  What sites are top to see?  You likely won’t “do” everything on your list but writing down everything which interests you, means that you will have numerous options  when it comes time to actually going on your personal journey.  If it were raining, you might need to move an activity indoors, you will already know where to go.  This is the personal guide portion of the game.  Think of it as a travel guide.
  8.  Now imagine the culture.  What foods, games, dances, music, language etc do you want to discover.  Your abc list might begin to look like “H”-hula and  “U”-ukelele.  Is there a traditional dress which people wear?  For example, “A” Aloha Shirts.
  9. Begin to add other categories which interest you such as A-architecture, animals, B-boats, beaches C-churches etc.  Continue to move from broad to specific for example you could add A-animals but research showed that we would likely see C-chickens and W-whales on this trip, so they were also listed.
  10. Keep asking questions and adding to your lists.    What foods are eaten?  Example “M” Macadamia nuts, “S”-shave ice.  How do they taste or smell? Sweet, sour, pungent?  What time of year is it? What season are you in? What month is it? Is it dry, arid, wet or humid? Sunny or cloudy?  What do you hear? What colors could you add? What emotions are triggered?  Do you expect to stand in awe?
  11. *The more descriptive terminology you add, the more interesting your writing will become when it comes time to tell your story.  This may also give you some interesting ideas for photography.
  12. Keep building  your alphabet lists with creative exploration of language.  For example “C” could be coffee (which Kawaii is famous for) but perhaps you already have a “C”, you could also use “J” for Java.
  13. Add some colors to your list.  Kawaii is very “G”-green but dig deeper and add interesting words like  “V”-verdent.
  14. Did you know the “Y”-Yellow Hibiscus is the state flower?   Build, build, build on the ABC/word list before you begin playing the game.  The more time you spend here, the more options you have once you begin the game.

Scavenger Hunt

  1. Use your blank alphabet list.  The goal is to try to represent each letter of the alphabet with a word or phrase and a photo.  Hint: take more photos than you think you need.
  2. You are using your camera and language skills to document a story.  Add some creativity to both.  How do you document words like yellow?   Did you know that the  state flower of Hawaii is yellow? Since my theme is ABC’s By State (Hawaii), this would be a great way to document my “Y” for yellow.  This can often be a tough letter to find, so it will be high on my list to get this photo.  if I see the word pineapple, I might choose to photograph a pineapple plantation, a single pineapple growing, or a wonderful pina colada (or all of the above).  I might also try to experience the local pineapple french toast with coconut dressing, all would be wonderful ways to represent the word pineapple.

Detours-Sometimes you won’t have an idea for a letter.  This is your chance to become very observant.  Words and opportunities are everywhere.  Detours are what create the adventure, don’t be afraid of them.

  1. Did you see a sign which begins with your needed letter?  Detour.
  2. Could you find a quote which begins with your desired letter and fits the theme of your adventure?  Detour.
  3. Could you rearrange your photos/words to be able to use something somewhere else?  Detour.

Share Your Story

By the time you finish this game, you are sure to have had some grand adventures. It is likely that you took more photos than just those that you selected for the Scavenger Hunt.  It is likely that you imagined more words and phrases than you used (you did save your list didn’t you?).  I know that I will have tried to capture every single word on my list.  I will have let my creativity flow through my photography and word choices.  It is now time to use these to put the words and photos together because a photo without explanation is left to interpretation and words with no pictures means it never happened.  By the time you complete an ABC adventure, your photos and descriptive writing should represent who, what, where, when, why and how of the adventure you set out to enjoy.

We experience the world one letter at a time and discover our world one word at a time, but we write our legacy by one story at a time.


The Overall Kauai ABC List

Here is how our Kauai, Hawaii list eventually shaped up.  (Yours may look different based on personal interests/goals).

  • Allerton Gardens/Aloha shirts/ Aloha/Airplane/Alan/animals/Awe
  • Blow Hole (Spouting Horn)/Beaches/Botanical Gardens/blue
  • Chickens (thousands occupy the island)/coffee (see also java)/coconut/crater/chocolate/cruise
  • Deb
  • Eucalyptus trees (Tunnel of trees on way to Koloa Town and Poipu Beach)
  • Fern Grotto (lava cave overgrown with ferns-about 2 miles up the Wailua River-accessed by kayak or boat trip)/Flowers/Forbidden Island (Ni’Hau)/Flight
  • Grove Farm Sugar Plantation Museum/Grand Canyon of the Pacific (Waimea Canyon Park)/gardens/ green
  • Hanalei (shopping)/Hanalei Bay/Hanakapi’ai Beach/Hawaii/Helicopter tour (Island Helicopter Tours are the only one which land at a waterfall)/Hula Dancers (Sheraton Kauai Resort, Grand Hyatt Kaui and Kilohana Plantation estate)/humid
  • Island Plane Tour
  • January/Jurassic Park Falls/Java (see also coffee)
  • Kalaheo Coffee Co (breakfast/baked goods)/Kawaii/kayak/Kilohana plantation/Koke’e State Park/Kalalau Trail (first half mile)/Koa wooden bowls/Kauai coffee/Kilauea Point/Kilauea Lighthouse/Koa wooden bowls/Kipu Kai/Kalapaki Beach/Kalua (the act of cooking a pig in the ground for hours)/Kauai/Koloa Town
  • Lighthouse (Kilauea Lighthouse)/Luau/leis/Lanai/Larsen’s Beach/lava cave/lush
  • Mountain tube/monk seals/Moreton Bay fig trees/McBride Gardens/Mount Waialeale-(wettest spot on earth)/Mahaulepu Beach (monk seals/beauty/hiking)/Macadamia nuts/ Moloa’a Beach/music/ Mountains/mango/mai tai
  • Na Pali Coast/Na ‘Aina Kai Botanical Gardens)/Ni’Hau (Forbidden Island)
  • O
  • Pineapple/Pineapple French toast with coconut dressing (at the Kalaheo Coffee Co)/Passionfruit/Pupu Platter (cross between tapas and bar food)/Poipu Beach (Tunnel of trees and spouting Horn)/Pu’u O Kila Lookout (Kokee’e Park)/pottery/passionfruit/Polihale Beach/palm trees
  • Queen’s Bath (Kalapana)/Poke (Hawaiian sushi)
  • Rainforests/Red Dirt Falls (Grand Canyon of the Pacific-located in Waimea Canyon Park)
  • Shave ice/Spouting Horn/Shop/surfing/seashells/Shipwreck Beach/Smith Family Luau/Sticky rice pudding/Spouting Horn (blow hole)/sunset
  • Tunnel of Trees (see also Euclyptus trees)/Tidepools
  • Ukulele/Undulate
  • Vintage train (Kilohana plantation)/volcano/verdent
  • Waterfalls-Wailua Falls& river/Waimea Canyon/Wailua River/Wai’oli Hui’ia Church (Hanalei)/Whale watching (winter only when Pacific humpbacks migrate to mate and give birth), wasabi mustard, wooden bowls/ Wai-ale-ale Crater/wet/winter
  • X
  • Y yellow
  • Zen/Zipline (Skyline Hawaii)


The words above words also give me an opportunity to expand my language as I write the descriptions and stories of each experience.   How interesting does a story about cooking a pig in an underground oven (Kalue) become when I use local terminology and/or language?  How much more authentic does the experience become when local culture is infused into the adventure?

The ABC’s give us structure but this is your adventure to design in any way which you choose.  Enjoy the journey!


“P” is For Pacific Island Tour-ABC World Travel

“P” is for our “Pacific Island Adventure.

Our bags are packed!  Very soon we set off on our 42 day, Pacific Island Adventure.  We have been planning for six months and I think we are ready for our next ABC Adventure!  The list below includes geographical areas, countries and states, as well as the cities we will visit along the expedition.

At each location we will be attempting additional ABC Adventures.  In the coming weeks, we will be sharing our adventures in real time, as we experience them.  Be sure to check back often to see our immersion into the cultures and beauty of this part of the world.


Here is our ABC List for the areas we plan to visit:

A-American Samoa/Australia/Auckland (New Zealand)

B-Bay of Islands (New Zealand)

C-Cairnes (Australia)



F-French Polynesia


H-Hana (Maui)/Hawaii (USA)/Honolulu (Hawaii)



K-Kauai (Hawaii)/Kahului (Maui, Hawaii)

L-Laie (Oahu, Hawaii)/Los Angeles (California, USA)

M-Maui (Hawaii)/Moorea (Society Islands)

N-New Plymouth (New Zealand)/New Zealand

O-Oahu (Hawaii)

P-Pago Pago (American Samoa), Papette (Tahiti), Port Douglas (Australia)



S-San Pedro (California), Society Islands, Sydnee (Australia)

T-Tahiti, Tauranga (New Zealand)

U-USA ( just because Hawaii is also part of this tour)


W-Waikiki (Hawaii)/Wellington (New Zealand)




“R” is for Ruby Wedding-ABC Celebrations

Forty years we have been married!  I was just 17 when we met, he was 21.  In a nutshell, we spent every minute together of that first three weeks after meeting.  It was an intensive, accelerated summer romance. Then he proposed.

We knew we would be separated by distance.  He had a year long contract in the Middle East to fulfill.  I was about to start University.

Before he asked the question, I remember walking on the beach one night, holding hands.  I had a strong vision of an old married couple doing the same thing.  Somehow I knew it was us.  I had found my best friend that summer. Somehow I knew to trust myself and hang on.

We would spend the first year of our engagement in different countries,  We were about as far apart physically as we would ever be.

This was a time long before cell phone and facebook had made it possible to communicate.  At $8 per minute, even phone calls were a luxury, so we wrote.  Every day, we would talk about our lives, although looking back at it, it is really funny to see more “I Love You’s” scrawled across the pages than any substance to what was happening in our days.

This is what young love is, pure passion.  Yet there has always been something deeper with Alan and I.  Even in those early moments, if one of us had a headache, the other was experiencing the same.  Our roots have always intertwined until we could no longer tell where one of us starts and the other ends.  We are symbiotic.

We were married just 18 months after meeting for the first time.  Since then there have been 3 children, all boys.  We have had 3 cats and 2 dogs, numerous fish and a couple of lizards.  We have been self employed for most of these years.

So now it is forty years later and we are indeed that old couple walking hand in hand on the beach.

What would my letter look like to him today?  What do you say to someone who is your entire world?  To that person who knows you almost as well as you know yourself? What do you say to a man who has held steadfastly to love and upheld ever vow he made?

If I would write a letter today, I would still probably fill it with “I love you’s” but there would be so much more depth to the words as we both reflect what they really mean.

I often ponder what wisdom I can offer young couples.  I think the most profound thought is that the words “I do” are very simple, but you can never really understand what it is to be a committed partner.

I do means you will still cherish the person, even on the days you don’t like them.

I do means you will stand by through the most difficult of challenges…babies, teenagers, menopause/manopause, job loss, career changes, financial challenges, body changes, illness…

I do means a respect an honor of the relationship.

I do means you will endure and endear through it all.

So today, as we celebrate our Ruby Anniversary, I am told that Rubies are as precious as diamonds.  I believe this.  We are so lucky to be here.  We have been gifted 40 wonderful years together.

We skipped out of the church on our wedding day, we have overcome many of life’s challenges and somehow we came through it all.

The rest of the journey seems easy now.

Today we celebrated under the Marquee…him saying he wanted me to “see my name in lights”.  I am incredibly blessed by this man.  After 40 years, he is still my best friend. What an amazing adventure we have had together.



“B” is for Bucket List Goals-ABC Words & Phrases

What is a Bucket List?  It is a list of all the things you hope to do in your lifetime.   Since we are starting our Pacific Island Adventure in a few days, I thought I would make a list of the things we hope to do while we travel around the the Southern Hemisphere.

Of course we used the alphabet to design our Bucket List,  because we love exploring “one letter at a time”!  Be sure to check back to see if we fulfilled our mission. This is just a small sampling of what we plan to explore on our Pacific Island Adventure.  Here are our goals so far:

A-Admire the ARCHITECTURE of the Sydney Oprah-house

B-Photograph the colorful BUSES of American Samoa

C-Complete a CIRCLE ISLAND TOUR of Papeete, Tahiti

D-DARE TO DRIVE the streets of Los Angeles

E-Cross the EQUATOR

F-Feel the freshness of a FERN GROTTO in Kauai, Hawaii

G-Gaze at GLOWWORMS in Bay of Islands, New Zealand

H- Play at HOBBINGTON & HOT SPRINGS in Tauranga, New Zealand

I-Experience the ceremony of crossing the INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE


K-Kiss the KIWIS, KANGAROOS & KOALAS in Sydnee, Australia


M- Marvel at the MOSSMAN GORGE & the Daintree Rainforest in Australia

N-Capture the NATURAL BEAUTY of New Plymouth, Australia

O-Get OFF THE BEATEN PATH in Moorea, Tahiti

P-Play all day at the POLYNESIAN CULTURAL CENTER of Honolulu, Hawaii

Q- Sail on the QUEEN CHARLOTTE SOUND in Picton, New Zealand

R-Marvel at the ROAD TO HANA in Maui, Hawaii

S-Take in as many SUNRISES and SUNSETS as possible.

T-Travel by TRAIN in Cairnes, Australia

U-Get UP in the air in Kauai, Hawaii

V-View the sunrise over a VOLCANO in Maui, Hawaii

W-Witness one of the WONDERS OF THE WORLD (Great Barrier Reef) in Port Douglas, Australia

X the International Dateline

Y-Say YES again, as we renew our vows

Z-ZIPLINE above a forest in Auckland, New Zealand

“X” is For Xenomania-ABC Words

X is often one of my more difficult letters to represent when we are designing an ABC Adventure.  I was so excited when I realized there are over 400 “X” words to explore!  I was even more excited to find the word “Xenomania” as one of them.

Xenomania is found in the Urban dictionary.  It is defined as “a passion for all things foreign and the customs associated.”  This seemed really fitting to begin a new year.

Since our mission for this year is to stretch ourselves, we will soon be setting out on our Pacific Island Adventure.

We also needed an “X”, to represent our purpose.

Travel opens our minds to the differences between people. What better way for us to discover the Southern Hemisphere than to allow ourselves a full immersion in cultures and customs!  We are excited to share the journey with you.   In the coming days we will be exploring new foods, seeing new sights and fully embracing all things foreign.  We plan to become “Xenomaniacs”!   Tomorrow I will share the Bucket List of goals we have created for this trip.

“G” is For Getaway-ABC Relationships

It’s snowing in our part of the world.  Winter is my least favorite time of year.  This sounds like the perfect time for us to “get away”.

  • Where should we go?  Somewhere warm.
  • What do we want to see?  Something exotic and culturally different.

These were the criteria we used for planning our next adventure.

The ability to get away and travel has been hard for the past couple of years.  With the shutdowns caused by a Pandemic, the regulations around Covid and the subsequent supply chain and employee shortages, it has seemed easier to just stay home.

We love to travel.  Even during our early marriage, when we had no money, we  prioritized getting away.  For nearly each of the 40 years we have been married, we have traveled “somewhere”.

It has always been Alan’s desire to visit New Zealand and Australia.  It was suppose to be his retirement gift, but that was two years ago, before the world shut down.

Now that things are opening up again, I have begun to dream.

When I found a super deal on a Pacific Island Cruise, I knew immediately that we would be booking it. At 29 days, this would be our longest cruise to date. We added on an extra couple of weeks of land exploration and suddenly realized we would be going on a two month journey.  This was the longest we have ever been away from home and our family.

There were times that we questioned our own sanity about getting on a cruise ship (these saw some of the greatest challenges during the outbreak) but as the snow began to pile up, we grew more and more excited to travel to somewhere warm and exotic.  Part of the travel experience is taking risks and overcoming challenges.

Vacations are a way to reset.  Did you know there is actually a National “Plan For Vacation Day?”  It is January 28th.  It is humorous to me to realize that vacations are so important that there has been a full day set aside, to do nothing but plan for them!  This trip has taken me six months to prepare for!

Vacations are so important that Alan and I prioritize them as part of our life.  This is a big reason we became ABC Explorers.

Maybe your vacation will be to stay close to home, or perhaps you will visit someplace far away.  Maybe you will camp, or travel by train.   One thing is for sure, travel will have an impact on you.  Here are a few things we have found to be true through our experiences:

  1. Getting away breaks up the monotony of our days.  Routine can lead to predictable (and boring) results and relationships.  “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (the same is true for Jill).
  2. Travel gives us something to dream about, to aspire to save for.  It gives purpose to earning money.
  3. Travel creates stories.
  4. Travel helps us to bond with family and form lasting memories.  When days are busy with school activities, work responsibilities and day to day chores, there is little time to really “see” each other or to spend quality time together.
  5. Traveling is a great way to make new friends.  Travelers often have a lot in common.  The bonus is you then have an excuse for visiting new people and places.
  6. Travel gives you photos. Photos capture a tiny bit of life.  They allow you to revisit your memories over and over.  Remember, without a photo, it never happened!
  7. Travel allows us to be creative in “how” we experience the world…we can sail, fly, or ride a train.  You can go by tuk tuk or ride an elephant.  You could choose to visit art galleries or hike a mountain.  Our journey is really only limited by our imaginations.
  8. Travel allows us broad introspection as we experience different cultures and traditions. We are more open to the differences in people as we understand the world which they live in.
  9. Many parts of the world are impoverished, yet I have often found the people to be extremely welcoming and happy. We can return from a vacation with a great appreciation for what we have.
  10. History, geography and anthropology come to life as one travels.
  11. Travel allows the mind, body and soul to rest.  Working can be very stressful.  Sometimes we don’t even realize how much pressure we are under.  Stress leads to illness.  Sometimes you just need a moment to let some steam off.
  12. Travel can allow you experiences you could never get at home.  I do not live by oceans.  I do not have penguins or elephants nearby.  I do not have mountains to ski or climb.  The USA is a young country, there are few monuments or buildings which date back to the period of the Roman’s or earlier.
  13. Travel allows us to learn new languages. Communication is universal, language is our only barrier.  There may be great humor and humbling moments in learning to ask where a bathroom is.
  14. You don’t have to go far to “get away”.  In fact there is always plenty to do, see and discover, even in your own back yard.  Much of the time, this is an unexplored place.
  15. Life is short.  We have known so many elderly people who wish they had seen and experienced more.  They waited too long until they “had time”, then found they were unable to travel due to illness (or the loss of a partner).  There are only two things guaranteed in this life…taxes and death.  Travel while you can.

So what is stopping you from designing your next adventure?  Isn’t time to “Get Away”?

Continue checking back often as we get ready to set sail on our Pacific Island Adventure!



“A” is For Art at the Airport-ABC Air Travel

Airports are busy places.  Often we rush around and miss much of what is offered there.

Have you ever been stuck at an airport and/or had a long layover and wondered how to pass time?   Why not design a self paced art tour while you are waiting?

This was how we created our next ABC Adventure.   Our mission would be to see as many art installations as we could, while traveling through airports. We wondered if we could complete an entire alphabet. The next time we find ourselves with some time, it will be a great excuse to walk around and get some exercise.  On this day we passed 2 hours walking from terminal to terminal at Chicago O’Hare Airport.

In our quest to complete the alphabet, we have found paintings, sculptures, fiber art and so much more.  Airport art rivals that of any gallery.  The long walls, high ceilings and open spaces lend themselves to bigger installations of art.

The next time you are stuck in an airport, take a look around.  Can you complete a full ABC adventure with art as your theme?

As we try to complete the alphabet tour, we will continue to add photos as we travel and the airport locations which we find them, so be sure to check back often.

A is For

Adler Planetarium Exhibit (Chicago O’hare Airport)

The Adler Planetarium has an exhibit in the Pedestrian Walkway on the way to the CTA O’Hare Blue Line Station. The Exhibit features many posters such as the one above offering views of beautiful constellations in the night skies.

After School Matters Benches (Chicago O’hare Airport)

Located throughout the Terminal 1/2 Bridge and Terminal 5, the After School Matters Benches depict various designs. All benches are hand painted by teen apprentice artists in the After School Matters art program. After School Matters is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago teens high quality, hands-on, project-based apprenticeship programs in a variety of content areas, including the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and STEM.


B is For

Beacons by Steven Heyman

A large square “Blue Beacon” and a large circular “Orange Beacon” suspended above the “Meet and Greet” area in the lower level of Terminal 5. Illuminated with fluorescent lamps, they measure 16′ x 16′ x 4′. The artwork was commissioned in collaboration with the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs Public Art Program.

Boeing Mosaic

This mosaic piece, created by After School Matters teen apprentice artists, celebrates aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s 100th anniversary in 2016. The piece hangs in Terminal 3, in the hallway between the Rotunda and H1. After School Matters is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago teens innovative out-of-school activities through science, sports, technology,creative writing and the nationally recognized gallery program.


C is For

Chicago Sister City Flags (Chicago O’hare Airport)

Representing the nations of Chicago’s Sister Cities, the flags are presented with help from Chicago Sister Cities International. Public art in and around Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport; January 2020.

City Windows by Qiao Xiaoguang (Chicago O’hare Airport)

Created using ancient Chinese paper cutting techniques, City Windows depicts iconic sites from Beijing and Chicago. The piece commemorates the friendship and cooperation between China and Chicago. It is located near Terminal 1 Gate B19.


D is For


E is For

The Evolution of O’Hare (Chicago O’Hare Airport)

This gallery of aerial photos offers travelers a look at how the O’Hare airfield has evolved since it opened in 1945. A timeline of historical events accompanies each photo. The gallery can be found in the Terminal 3 L Stinger (Gates L20-24).


F is For

G is For

H is For

Here and There by Mitchell Egly (Chicago O’Hare Airport)

Created as a part of the City of Chicago’s 50 x 50 Neighborhood Arts Project and initiated during the Year of Public Art, Here and There is a visual representation of the many neighborhoods that comprise the 41st Ward, the Ward O’Hare is within. This piece was sponsored by by 41st Ward Alderman Napolitano’s office. It is located within the airport’s Bus Shuttle Center.


I is For

I’ve Known Rivers by Alejandro Ramero and Gallery 37  (Chicago O’Hare)

A 208-foot long mural painted in acrylics, that brings to life the words and spirit of the Langston Hughes poem of the same name. The mural, created by teen apprentice artists from After School Matters, is located in the CTA Pedway. After School Matters is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago teens high quality, hands-on, project-based apprenticeship programs in a variety of content areas, including the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and STEM.


J is For

Jet Trails by Guy Kemper (Chicago O’Hare)

This sculpture measures 50 feet in length and 12 feet in height and consists of hand-blown painted glass in cool shades of blue, green and violet. The sculpture is suspended onto the window mullions directly across from Security Checkpoint 3 in Terminal 1 (past security).

K is For

L is For

M is For

N is For

O is For

On The Wings of Water (Chicago O’Hare)

A 35,000-piece Venetian glass and tile mosaic shows how air travel and water link cultures across continents and between cities, towns, and rural areas. It was completed with the help of After School Matters student artists and can be found in the Rotunda between Terminals 2 and 3 (past security). After School Matters is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago teens high quality, hands-on, project-based apprenticeship programs in a variety of content areas, including the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and STEM.


P is For

Palimpsest by Nick Cave (Chicago O’Hare)

A dimensional tapestry constructed of hand-strung, beaded shoelaces woven with memory-steeped iconography and patterns through a nylon fishing net base layer. The piece represents a travel to understanding, the web of humanity, and future memories. Its colors come directly from Chicago’s unique skyline and is a continuation of the greeting a visitor takes in through their airplane’s window as they begin their decent for landing. It is located within the airport’s Multi Modal Facility.


Q is For


R is For

The Runners by Theodoros Papagiannis (Chicago O’Hare)

The Runners, a 16-foot sculpture, is located along the I-190 south side embankment and can be seen by motorists and CTA Blue Line riders exiting the airport. Donated by the Athens Committee of Chicago Sister Cities International and supported by Chicago’s large Greek-American community, the sculpture depicts five runners emerging from antiquity into the modern world. A maquette of this same piece is located within Terminal 5, behind the Arrivals Level information desk.

S is For

77 Neighborhoods (Chicago O’Hare)

This photo exhibit, located in the Terminal 5 corridor approaching the US Customs and Border Protection Federal Inspection Services area, showcases architecture, life, and popular scenes from across Chicago’s 77 neighborhoods.

Skies The Limit (Chicago O’Hare)

A multi-sensory sculpture which extends above the walkway connecting concourse B and C in Chicago’s O’Hare Airport.  The artist, Michael Hayden was commissioned by the airport in 1987 to design the 744 foot-long, neon kinetic sculpture which changes color in time to music.

Sister Cities by After School Matters (Chicago O’Hare)

Inspired by Chicago’s numerous Sister Cities, the mural depicts scenes from cities across the globe. Teen apprentice artists from After School Matters created the piece. After School Matters is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago teens high quality, hands-on, project-based apprenticeship programs in a variety of content areas, including the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and STEM. It is located in the hallway between Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.

Student Frontiers by After School Matters (Chicago O’Hare)

Teen apprentice artists participating in After School Matters programs created this mural in 2016. After School Matters is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago teens high quality, hands-on, project-based apprenticeship programs in a variety of content areas, including the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and STEM. This mural is located in the CTA Pedway.


T is For

Treasury of Petra by Sonia Twal (Chicago O’Hare)

A limestone and marble mosaic donated to the City of Chicago from its sister city Amman, Jordan.  It can be found in Terminal 5 near Gate M14. The mosaic was inspired by the carved rock and stone facade of the red-rose city of Petra in the southern Jordanian desert. The limestone and marble used in Twal’s representation were obtained from the Petra region.

U is For

V is For

W is For

X is For

Y is For

Youth in the Loop by After School (Chicago O’Hare)

Teen apprentice artists participating in After School Matters programs created this mural in 2015. After School Matters is a non-profit organization that offers Chicago teens high quality, hands-on, project-based apprenticeship programs in a variety of content areas, including the arts, communications and leadership, sports, and STEM. This mural is located in the CTA pedway.

Z is For

ABC World Travel-A List of Continents and Countries to Explore

We are on a mission to see the world!  This ABC list is a great way to begin your own alphabet tour.

If a location is highlighted, it means we have visited the area and you can find the stories about that country or continent within the blog.  You may also use the search bar to navigate to our adventures.

Where will you visit on your next adventure?

General World Tour

A is for Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Australia,  American Samoa, Antigua and Austria

B is for Bahamas, Barbados, Barbuda, Belgium, Belize and Brazil

C is for Canada, Chili, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba and Cyprus

D is for Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic and Dubai

E is for Europe, England and Egypt

F is for Fiji, Finland, France and French Polynesia

G is for Germany, Greece, Grenada, Grenadines and Guatemala

H is for Holland and Hungary

I is for Iceland, India, Ireland and Italy

J is for Jamaica and Japan


L is for Laos

M is for Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro and Morocco

N is for  North America, Nevis, New Zealand and Norway

O is for Oman

P is for Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland and Portugal

Q is for Qatar

R is for Russia

S is for South America, Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland

T is for Thailand and Turkey

U is for USA, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates

V is for Vietnam

W is for Wales


Y is for Yemen

Z is for Zambia, Zimbabwe


“W” is For Word of the Year

Welcome to a brand new year! I know it is cliche’ to say that today offers a fresh start and a clean slate.  I often think of my life as a book which I am continuously writing.  Today is the beginning of a brand new chapter, which is yet to be defined.  The pages are still blank.  This optimistic view is the way I think about the beginning of most years.

But, I am also realist. Yesterdays challenges soon begin to spill into today. Too many things pull at our attention, the chapters of our story become mundane, or they continue to be written in the same manner. Time, left with no direction, will fall through our hands and before we know it, years have passed and we remain stuck in the same patterns of behavior.

Today is a good day for reflection. How is your story of life unfolding so far?  Are you longing for adventure, wishing you had more money or time?  Are you in a good relationship?   Would you like to learn a new language or change careers?  Do you dream of losing weight or stopping smoking?

The New Year always seems hopeful.  Most people make resolutions at the beginning of each year;  to lose weight, to give up bad habits, to learn something new and to spend more time doing things they love, seem to be the most common.   By the end of the second week of a new year, most resolutions have already been forgotten as we slide back into old routines.

By the end of the year, when we realize we have not met our goals (again),  we think back to our resolutions and feel like failures, yet every year we return to the same pattern of goal setting.  This self deprecating behavior has a negative influence on our psyche.

What if a small shift in attitude could redirect how you experience your days? What if we no longer set resolutions? How freeing would that simple act be?

Years ago our family gave up this New Year tradition, instead we began choosing a single word on New Year’s Eve. This word would still be reflective of the things we wanted to change, the growth we aspired to and the direction we hoped to go.

The word would touch all areas of our lives (relationships, personal growth, goals etc). Our word could be carried with us throughout the year.  We could interpret the word in any way which made sense to us.  By choosing just one word (or a few), we could focus on change. Anytime we honored our word, we would succeed.

The word of the year is a positive, inspirational and hopeful message, that change is possible. These little words simply focus our intentions, inviting more of what you need or what you hope to achieve.  They can reflect your ambitions, give you purpose, set goals and more.  These little words define and lead you to your best self.

I see the word as a kind of compass for the coming year.

For example a resolution might be to lose weight but our word choice instead became “healthy”.  How much more positive it became as we shifted our focus just a little.  With this tiny word in front of us,  we could give ourselves credit for every action we took throughout the year towards healthy living.  Maybe we drank an extra glass of water, or took a walk, or went to bed at a reasonable hour, or chose to skip dessert.

When we offered ourselves this positive feedback, we wanted to continue.  Perhaps the next day we did a little more, perhaps in a week we noticed we had lost a pound or two.  The goals were being met, but there was no pressure…just a little word reminding us of our intentions.

Intentional living is the underlying mission of this site.  Living your best life will always be the goal, it does not require a single day to begin, however New Year’s Day is the perfect time for change.  If you are reading this today and it doesn’t happen to be New Years Day, then just jump in.  Small incremental changes, lead to lasting results.


How to choose your word

1. Ask yourself questions.  What is it you want to change, learn or discover?  What would you do differently than last year?  Is there something you want to continue doing?  What do you want more of in life?  What do you want less of?  What is holding you back?  (Think of an opposite word.  For example fear becomes brave.)

2. Brainstorm.  Jot down as many words as come to mind.  These should be positive and affirming.  Think about where you want to direct your life this year.  It is okay if you have several or many words at this point. If you are stuck, there is a list of over 450 words below.

3. Narrow your list down.  If you are left with more than one word, consider breaking the year down into quarters or in half. You could even choose a different word each month!

Keep your word visible

Keep your word in front of you and make sure you can see it every day.  Make a cute graphic and put it on your phone.  Write it out in big letters and post it on a wall.  Put your word next to a place you use routinely…the coffee maker, a mirror or the back door.  Write it on a small pebble or piece of paper and carry it around in your pocket.  Make a plan(s)to bump into your word frequently.  Each time you do, it will remind you to live your word.

Put your word into affirmations.  Affirmations are powerful messages.  They are written, spoken or meditated upon in the first person.  For example, my word in 2019 was “expand”.  Every decision I made in that year, I asked myself if I was expanding.  This year in particular was a year of mental growth, as I immersed myself in learning.  I was focused on learning to:  garden, preserve food, write and improve my photography.  Here are a few of my affirmations:

” I am expanding my knowledge.”

“My relationships with people are expanding”.

“As I expand, I feel connected.”



As with all our word games, there are no rules, except those we define for ourselves.  If you want to choose a new word each month, go ahead and do so.  If you want to use more than one word at a time, that is okay too.

Our words

Here are the words I have chosen for the past few years:

2019 Expand

2020  Embrace

2021 Adapt

2022 Revive

After years of being stuck at home, not seeing family, missing celebrations, struggling with shortages of every kind and numerous challenges we have developed a bit of negativity about how the years are unfolding.  We have been very blessed in this life so we have decided it was time to find the silver lining in the moments.   We have worked hard throughout our lives and now have the means to travel and rest in our retirement.  We are surrounded by good people.  Our 2023 word gives us an opportunity to reflect on all the many, many things we still have to be thankful for.

Our word for this year is “Appreciate”.  We move forward into the unknown with an appreciation for all which we have, all which we create and an abundance of joy.

What word will you choose this year?


450+ Word of the Year Ideas

  • Absolve
  • Abundance
  • Abundant
  • Accept
  • Acceptance
  • Achieve
  • Act
  • Action
  • Adapt
  • Add
  • Advance
  • Adventure
  • Affect
  • Affluence
  • Alert
  • Align
  • Alignment
  • Alive
  • Allow
  • Amaze
  • Amazing
  • Ambition
  • Amplify
  • Anchor
  • Appreciate
  • Articulate
  • Ascend
  • Aspire
  • Attention
  • Awake
  • Awaken
  • Aware
  • Awareness
  • Awe
  • Awesome
  • Bad ass
  • Balance
  • Balanced
  • Be
  • Beautiful
  • Beauty
  • Become
  • Begin
  • Behold
  • Believe
  • Belong
  • Best
  • Better
  • Big
  • Birth
  • Bliss
  • Bloom
  • Bold
  • Boss
  • Bounce
  • Boundaries
  • Boundless
  • Bounty
  • Brave
  • Breath
  • Breathe
  • Bridge
  • Bright
  • Brother
  • Build
  • Calm
  • Capable
  • Captivating
  • Capture
  • Care
  • Caring
  • Celebrate
  • Center
  • Centered
  • Challenge
  • Change
  • Charisma
  • Chase
  • Cheer
  • Cheerful
  • Cleanse
  • Clear
  • Comfort
  • Commit
  • Committed
  • Communicate
  • Communication
  • Community
  • Compassion
  • Complete
  • Completion
  • Compose
  • Compromise
  • Confidence
  • Connect
  • Connection
  • Conquer
  • Conscious
  • Considerate
  • Consistency
  • Consistent
  • Contemplation
  • Contribute
  • Courage
  • Create
  • Creation
  • Creative
  • Creativity
  • Cultivate
  • Daughter
  • Declutter
  • Decrease
  • Dedicate
  • Dedication
  • Deliberate
  • Delight
  • Depth
  • Determination
  • Determined
  • Devote
  • Diligence
  • Direction
  • Discipline
  • Discover
  • Dream
  • Ease
  • Ecstasy
  • Education
  • Elevate
  • Elevation
  • Embody
  • Embrace
  • Emerge
  • Empathy
  • Empire
  • Empower
  • Encourage
  • Energize
  • Energy
  • Engage
  • Enhance
  • Enjoy
  • Enjoyment
  • Enlighten
  • Enlightenment
  • Enough
  • Enrapture
  • Enthuse
  • Enthusiasm
  • Enthusiastic
  • Environment
  • Epitome
  • Escalate
  • Examine
  • Excite
  • Excitement
  • Expand
  • Expansion
  • Experience
  • Exploration
  • Explore
  • Extraordinary
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Fast
  • Father
  • Favorite
  • Fearless
  • Finish
  • Fitness
  • Flourish
  • Flow
  • Fly
  • Focus
  • Force
  • Forgive
  • Forgiveness
  • Forward
  • Foster
  • Foundation
  • Free
  • Freedom
  • Friend
  • Friends
  • Fulfill
  • Fulfilling
  • Fun
  • Future
  • Gain
  • Generosity
  • Generous
  • Gentle
  • Gently
  • Give
  • Giving
  • Glisten
  • Glorious
  • Glow
  • Glow-up
  • Go
  • Goals
  • Grace
  • Gracious
  • Gratitude
  • Grounded
  • Grow
  • Growth
  • Habit
  • Happiness
  • Happy
  • Harmony
  • Heal
  • Health
  • Healthy
  • Help
  • Helpful
  • Heart
  • Here
  • Higher
  • Hold
  • Home
  • Honest
  • Honesty
  • Hope
  • Humble
  • Humility
  • Hustle
  • Ignite
  • Imagination
  • Imagine
  • Immerse
  • Improve
  • Improvement
  • Increase
  • Indulge
  • Infinity
  • Influence
  • Innovation
  • Insight
  • Inspiration
  • Inspire
  • Integrity
  • Intent
  • Intention
  • Intentional
  • Intimacy
  • Intimate
  • Intuition
  • Invest
  • Journey
  • Joy
  • Jump
  • Kind
  • Kindness
  • Laugh
  • Laughter
  • Lead
  • Leader
  • Leadership
  • Learn
  • Less
  • Liberate
  • Life
  • Light
  • Limitless
  • Listen
  • Live
  • Love
  • Luxury
  • Magic
  • Magical
  • Manifest
  • Maximize
  • Meaning
  • Meditate
  • Memories
  • Metamorphosis
  • Mindful
  • Mindfulness
  • Mindset
  • Minimize
  • Moment
  • Moments
  • Monetize
  • Money
  • More
  • Mother
  • Move
  • New
  • Nature
  • Nirvana
  • No
  • Nourish
  • Now
  • Nurture
  • Observe
  • Open
  • Optimistic
  • Organize
  • Overcome
  • Pardon
  • Partner
  • Passion
  • Patience
  • Pause
  • Peace
  • Permission
  • Persevere
  • Persist
  • Perspective
  • Play
  • Playful
  • Pleasure
  • Positivity
  • Possibilities
  • Possibility
  • Possible
  • Power
  • Powerful
  • Practice
  • Pray
  • Presence
  • Present
  • Prime
  • Prioritize
  • Priority
  • Process
  • Probable
  • Progress
  • Progression
  • Prosper
  • Purpose
  • Question
  • Quiet
  • Radiant
  • Re-brand
  • Receive
  • Reclaim
  • Reflect
  • Reflection
  • Relax
  • Release
  • Renew
  • Renewal
  • Reset
  • Resolve
  • Respect
  • Rest
  • Retreat
  • Revive
  • Rich
  • Rise
  • Rise
  • Romance
  • Satisfaction
  • Satisfy
  • Seek
  • Self
  • Self-care
  • Selfish
  • Self-love
  • Self-worth
  • Serene
  • Serenity
  • Service
  • Share
  • Shift
  • Shine
  • Siblings
  • Simple
  • Simplicity
  • Simplify
  • Sister
  • Sisterhood
  • Slow
  • Small
  • Smile
  • Soar
  • Son
  • Soul
  • Soulful
  • Space
  • Spark
  • Sparkle
  • Speak
  • Spirit
  • Steady
  • Still
  • Stillness
  • Strength
  • Strengthen
  • Stretch
  • Strive
  • Strong
  • Succeed
  • Success
  • Successful
  • Support
  • Surrender
  • Surround
  • Surroundings
  • Survive
  • Sympathy
  • Teach
  • Tempest
  • Think
  • This
  • Thoughtful
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Thrill
  • Thrilling
  • Thrive
  • Today
  • Touch
  • Transcend
  • Transform
  • Transformation
  • Transparent
  • Travel
  • Treasure
  • Trust
  • Truth
  • Try
  • Unchained
  • Understand
  • Unleash
  • Unique
  • Unlimited
  • Unstoppable
  • Value
  • Vibrant
  • Vision
  • Visionary
  • Vitality
  • Voice
  • Vulnerability
  • Vulnerable
  • Wake
  • Wander
  • Wealth
  • Wealthy
  • Wellness
  • Whole
  • Wholehearted
  • Why
  • Wild
  • Win
  • Winning
  • Wisdom
  • Wise
  • Wish
  • Wonder
  • Work
  • Worth
  • Worthy
  • Wow
  • Yes
  • Zenith





ABC Adventure-“Island Princess”- ABC’s of Cruising

This ABC Exploration Guide is specific to the Island Princess cruise ship.  Use the following list to create your own adventure.  Below you will find an alphabetized list of all the spaces on board.  Within each space there are numerous activities which may be being held.  Can you complete an entire alphabet as you discover what your ship has to offer?   If an item is highlighted it will link to another article.


Amuleto (Deck 14)


Balcony Stateroom

Bar & Grill (Deck 15)

Bayou Cafe & Steakhouse (Deck 7)

Beauty Salon (Deck 14)

Bordeaux Dining Room (Deck 5)


Camp Discovery Youth Center (Deck 12)

Captain’s Circle Loyalty (Deck 5)

Card Room

Center Court (Deck 16)

Churchill’s Cigar Lounge (Deck 7)

Conservatory (Deck 15)

Crooner’s Bar (Deck 7)




Explorer’s Lounge (Deck 6)


Fine Arts Gallery (Deck 7)

Fitness Center (Deck 6)

Future Cruise Planning/Sales (Deck 8)


Good Spirits at Sea (Deck 5)

Guest Services (Deck 5)


Horizon Court Buffet (Deck 14)


Interior Stateroom

Internet Cafe (Deck 8)





Lawn Court (Deck 15)

Library (Deck 8)

Lido Bar (Deck 14)

Lido Pool & Hot tubs (Deck 14)

Lotus Bar (Deck 14)

Lotus Pool & Hot Tubs (Deck 14)

Lotus Spa (Deck 14)


Medical Center (Deck 4)

Mini Suite

Movies Under the Starts (Deck 15)



Ocean View Room



Photo Gallery (Deck 6)

Princess Casino & Bar (Deck 6)

Princess Links

Princess Pizzaria (Deck 14)

Princess Plaza (Piazza)-Deck 5

Princess Theater (Deck 7)


Providence Dining Room (Deck 6)



Sabatini’s Italian Trattoriea (Deck 7)

Sanctuary (Deck 15)

Shopping Concierge (Deck 6)

Shore Excursion Desk (Deck 8)

Shuffleboard (Deck 16)

Splash Pool (Deck 16)


Swirls Ice Cream (Deck 14)


The Beach House Teen Lounge (Deck 14)

The Shop’s of Princess-Calypso Cove/Essence/Facets/Meridian Bay,  (Deck 6)

Treatment Rooms (Deck 14)




Water Shuttle Embarkation (Deck 4)

Wedding Chapel (Deck 7)

Wheelhouse Bar (Deck 7)



Youth Center (Deck 14)



“A” is for Arranging Your Best Cruise Vacation-ABC Cruising


When we choose a cruise, we always ask ourselves what we want to experience.

  • Is our goal to set foot upon each continent?
  • Is it to immerse in a single country, or do we want to experience many different ones?
  • Is it the ship itself that we want to experience, or the itinerary?
  • Do we want restful days at sea, or an action filled schedule?
  • Are we willing to take a repositioning cruise to complete any of our goals?
  • How long do we want to be away?
  • What time of year do we want to travel?
  • Is this the best season for the areas we hope to see?
  • Where does the ship depart from and return to?
  • Will we need additional travel days to get there?  Do we need to schedule transfers from a plane to the ship?

What does the ship have to offer?

  • What is the brand of the cruiseline?  Is it known to be a party ship, or luxury liner?  How old/young is the average passenger?
  • How old or young is the ship?  Has it been refurbished?
  • What are the reviews for the ship?
  • How many passengers does the ship hold?
  • Are kids likely to be on the ship?
  • Are there adult only areas?
  • How many pools are there?
  • What activities are available on board?  Are there water slides, golfing, go carts or wave pools on board?   Which of these (if any) are important to me?
  • If the weather is bad, what indoor activities are available?  Are there classes and cultural immersion opportunities?  Are there shops available?  Is there a movie theater?
  • What kinds of entertainment will be available?  Are there Broadway style performances, pianists, comedians, magicians?
  • Are there areas for quiet activities, such as a library?
  • Is internet available?
  • Is the dining schedule rigid or relaxed?  What options for meals do I have?
  • What kinds of rooms are available?

Money matters.

  • What is included in the cost? What is not?  Often alcohol, specialty coffee, specialty dining, internet and shore excursions will cost extra.
  • Are gratuities included?  Most cruise lines add $12-$15 per day and there is often an 18% gratuity for drinks.
  • Are there packages available?
  • What discounts/promotions are available?

Have a great vacation!





“T” is for Tips and Tricks-ABC’s of Airline Travel

Here is a list of our best tips for airline travel:

  • When booking your flight, allow enough time between connecting flights. We usually strive for 1 ½ hours.  Generally this allows for minor delays.   If we are traveling internationally, these layovers may involve clearing customs and security.  In this case we allow between 2-2 1/2 hours layover because we must claim our bags and go through the security check all over again.   In either case, we look to see how many more “chances” there will be to catch another flight, if for some reason our connecting flight gets cancelled or delayed.
  • Choose your seat. I prefer knowing where I am going to sit.  I want to be with my family if possible.  My husband has very long legs, so he must always have an aisle seat.  If we can upgrade to gain a for a few more inches of legspace, we often do so.  Websites such as seat guru can often tell you the advantages and disadvantages to choosing certain seats.  Surprises such as finding you are sitting next to a bathroom, or that the seats don’t recline, can make travelling a very unpleasant experience.
  • Download airline/airport apps. These can help you see gate changes and flight delays.  The airport apps often offer layouts for each terminal.  Knowing where you are going if you are rushing can save precious minutes.
  • Purchase or borrow luggage which can be pulled or pushed. Carrying heavy bags when you are also having to run for a flight is never easy.  A backpack is also a good option.
  • Check size and weight restrictions of luggage before flying. Realizing you are 1 lb over the limit and getting charged an extra $50-$100 because of it is a sure fire way to start off on the wrong foot.  The same is true for oversize luggage. Many airlines have overall dimensions of luggage.  This is the length x width x depth.
  • Know how many pieces and what constitutes a personal item. Carry on luggage may be subjected size and weight restrictions.  Again, this helps to avoid those extra charges.   Some international flights are very specific about what constitutes a personal item.  Small commuter planes often don’t have the ability to store even regular size carry ons (see gate checking luggage).
  • Place a contact sheet and itinerary page inside each suitcase and carry on. This is usually the last thing I pack so that if the case is opened, it will be the first thing someone sees.   If my luggage is lost, this simple piece of paper will help reconnect me with my bags.
  • Label all luggage on the outside. Use a luggage tag, or one of the tie on pieces located at the check in desk.  For safety, your personal information should be covered (the tie on tags fold and tuck).  If you are shopping for luggage tags, look for the kind with a security flap.
  • Pack all prescriptions in original containers. Always carry your prescription medication in your carry on.  If this is not possible, make sure to have a few extra days of the medication in the carry on.
  • Pack your carry on as if you might need to gate check your case. Full flights often run out of overhead storage.  When this happens, the remaining passengers will be asked to gate check their luggage.  Always remove your id & passports and anything else of importance if you are asked to gate check.  Gate checked luggage is different than normal checked baggage.  The carry on items will be tagged and stored in a special location on the plane.  Ground crew will deliver the luggage to the walkway once the plane lands.  Unfortunately gate checked luggage is not tagged to move on to your next destination, so if there are challenges with the machines/people who are unloading it, it can make you late to catch your next flight since you must wait for this luggage.  This is what happened to about half the plane on our last flight, after the hydraulics broke on the lift which bring the bags up.  I have never seen so many angry people.
  • Having a foldable shopping bag packed on top of your luggage or in a side pocket is helpful. This can be a store bought pouch or a paper shopping bag.   If you are forced to gate check your carry on, this bag allows you to transfer your most needed items quickly, just remember this is going to go under the seat in front of you, so take only your essentials. *Always keep cash, ID, passports and prescriptions with you.
  • Before leaving for the airport, think about how you will dress.  Dress for speed. No underwire bras (they set off the alarm and almost guarantee a pat down).  Easy to remove jackets or cardigans are easier than those which need pulling over your head.  Slip off shoes ae easier than lace ups (remember to wear footies if you are not wearing socks, you don’t want to stand in that line barefoot…yuck).  *Always wear shoes you can run in…you never know when those gate changes are going to happen or when your flights make a connection very close.  If you want high heels or flip flops, carry them in the carry on and change once you reach your gate.
  • Dress in layers. Planes can be too hot and too cold.  Extra clothing can always double as a pillow.
  • Speaking of pillows, they do not count as luggage.  If you find you don’t have enough space in your carry on, you can put a coat, clothing or other soft items in a zippered pillow case.  This will serve multiple functions as you travel.
  • Arrive 2-3 hours before your flight is scheduled to depart. In large international airports, you may need every minute of this time to clear security.  Smaller airports may only need 1-1 1/2 hours.   If you find yourself with extra time, go shopping, get a bite to eat, look at art or hang out in a lounge but don’t stress yourself by arriving at the airport late.
  • If you are parking a car, write down your parking space number and/or take a photo with your cell phone.  You will thank me when you return.
  • Always carry some cash. If you become stranded at an airport or while en-route, there is never a guarantee that ATM’s and/or online credit card systems will be functioning. Depending on how far I am traveling, how many overlays I have and where I am going,  I usually carry enough to pay for a meal, a car rental and a hotel room.  (Generally about $50-$250).  There is a limit to how much cash can be carried (usually $10,000) , so make sure to declare it, especially if you are transiting between countries.  When declaring your cash, be sure to include travelers checks and cashiers checks.
  • Carry some food and snacks. If a flight is cancelled, you may find yourself overnighting in an airport.  Stores may be closed.  If a flight is delayed and sitting at a gate or on the tarmac, there will be no food/drink service.
  • Pack a USB charger. Our phones carry the equivalent of a computer these days.  They replace cameras, MP3 players and books.  They carry our calendars, address books, maps and more.  Having them functioning at all times can prevent a lot of stress. There are many ways to use up your battery on a cell phone…photos, reading,  listening to music and/or watching movies.  Having a USB charger allows you to recharge while waiting for a flight and/or if your flight is delayed.  The charger can often be used on the plane too.  Just toss one in the carry on, you will be happy you did!
  • Check in online when possible. This helps to prevent standing in line.
  • Pack liquids and gels in a see through quart sized zip lock bag. Place the bag towards the top of your carry on case or in an outside pocket for easy removal.  You will be asked to remove these if you do not have Global Entry.
  • Pack electronics toward the top of your carry on. You will be asked to remove these if you don’t have Global Entry.
  • Choose the furthest left queue in the security line, it is generally less busy.
  • Remove jewelry, belts and jackets before you get in line, or while standing in line. Don’t be “that” person who slows the process by not being ready to move through security.   All of these items can be placed inside luggage if you have room.  Otherwise follow the steps below:
  • Remove your passport and boarding pass (these are carried through the scanner).
  • Place jackets and coats in the first bin.
  • Place electronics (laptop, Ipads, Kindles etc) in  a separate bin.
  • Place shoes and wallet/purse and jewelry together in the last bin, that way you will never forget to pick up your wallet and valuables.
  • Send your luggage through the scanner.
  • Once past security, purchase or fill a water bottle. Hydration is the best way to combat jet lag and helps to prevent airborne illnesses.
  • Consider purchasing coffee or tea before boarding the plane. The water on the plane has been stored in large containers which are never cleaned.  This is the wate tea and coffee are made with.
  • Listen for announcements. It is easy to pass the time by plugging into headphones but miss the announcement of a gate change and you can be left running.
  • Watch for changes around the waiting area. Did everyone suddenly leave?  You better check the departure board.


When you have done all that you can to prepare, you can sit back knowing that you are ready for “almost” anything.  Enjoy your stress free vacation