“A” is for Atriums-Cruising


While cruising, we challenged our fellow travelers to document their time on board the ship.  The goal was to find something to photograph, which began with the letter “A”.  We chose atrium.

On a cruise, the atrium is usually one of the first places that a passenger will see on embarkation day.  Similar to a hotel lobby, it is the heart of the ship.  In this location, you will also find the customer service desk, the shore excursion office, the purser’s desk and the cruise consultant.

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ABC Lists-Exploring With the Letter “E”

This is an ever expanding list of date ideas for the letter “E”.  Usually we use a dictionary to generate a long list of   words, which might help generate ideas.   Read through the adventures below, to see some of the ways we might put the words together, to come up with our adventures.

1.  Get up “early” to watch the sunrise and “enjoy” an “English breakfast”.   Then, just take it “easy” for the rest of  the day.     You could stay in your pajamas and go shopping for “each other on E-Bay”.

2. Go to a restaurant to eat.  Make sure it serves an “Early Bird Special”, if you want to save money. Order your favorite “entree”, or “eggs, eggplant, elderberry, enchiladas and/ or Eastern or European Cuisine”.  All great “E” themed foods to try. You could even wash it all down with an “Espresso”, or “Earl Gray Tea”.

3. Take an “entourage” of friends to an “Escape Room”. Make sure you like them though because you will be locked up together, in a “themed” room for 60 minutes.  You must cooperate by using clues to solve puzzles, which will help you escape.  This makes an “epic” gift.

4. Perhaps animals are more interesting to you.  Egrets and elephants both begin with E.  Could you visit a bird sanctuary, or a zoo to see them.  Have you ever ridden an an elephant, or gone to a circus where they perform?  How about an Equestrian Center?

5.  We love celebrating any holiday.  “Earth Day” is one which comes in the spring.  There are many ways to observe it.   What a better way to spend a date, than  by “engaging” in activities such as a parade, or a clean up “event”.

6. Maybe learning is something you like to do.  How about attending a class, watching a documentary, or visiting a museum?  You could choose to learn about “Egypt and/or Egyptians”, or maybe the “Economy” or “Entomology” is more your thing to study.

7. “Elders” always appreciate a visit.  Whether “eight, eighteen or eighty”, people have numerous “experiences” to share.  “Engaging” helps us all connect.

8. Sometimes it is fun to just sit at the “edge” of a cliff, or watch a movie that keeps you on the “edge of your seat”, either would be very “entertaining”.

9. What about taking a car ride, and making only “East” turns, to see where you “end” up?

10.  Perhaps you will  visit an ocean and watch the tide “ebb”, or perhaps an “eddy” is easier to find.  Float in the water to “ease” the week away.

11. Concerts are always on the list, “Electric Light Orchestra” would surely get you “energized”.  Or, you could put on “elegant” attire and sip “effervescent” drinks while being “enchanted” with the “entertainment” of your choice.

12. Take and “epic” trip and cross the “equator”.

13. Connect with the seasons by celebrating the winter or fall “equinox”.









ABC Lists-Exploring With The Letter D

This is an ever expanding list for the letter D. Here you will find; activities, cities, countries, emotions, events, festivals, individual states, phrases and words. Basically, this is a long list that might be helpful when planning any adventure using the letter D. This list will be updated regularly, as more suggestions are offered. Eventually it will be broken down into categories. Remember, a word may have more than one meaning. For example, the word “derby” might bring to mind a horse race for one person but roller derby for another.  Words can become actions, emotions or lead you to discover new destinations. They won’t necessarily be the same as the dictionary definition. Be creative and use this list in any way that inspires you to try something new! It will be impossible to list every D themed word here, so remember to look for restaurants, stores, road names etc., that may begin with the letter D. Think beyond locations. Consider new foods to try, animals to see , experiences to have, song titles that inspire you, or anything else that gets you thinking out of the box. Let your own individual experiences reflect a personal journey of discovery and have fun with the wordplay! As always, we value your contributions, so please leave a comment when you think of other ways to explore, using the letter D. (Please remember to keep your comments G-rated!)

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ABC Lists-Exploring With The Letter C

This is an ever expanding list for the letter C. Here you will find; activities, cities, countries, emotions, events, festivals, individual states, phrases and words. Basically, this is a long list that might be helpful when planning any adventure using the letter C. This list will be updated regularly, as more suggestions are offered. Eventually it will be broken down into categories. Remember, a word may have more than one meaning.  For example, the word “cards” could be used to initiate sending cards to others, or it might mean playing a game with a deck of cards. Words can become actions, emotions or lead you to discover new destinations. They won’t necessarily be the same as the dictionary definition. Be creative and use this list in any way that inspires you to try something new! It will be impossible to list every C themed word here, so remember to look for restaurants, stores, road names etc., that may begin with the letter C. Think beyond locations. Consider new foods to try, animals to see , experiences to have, song titles that inspire you, or anything else that gets you thinking out of the box. Let your own individual experiences reflect a personal journey of discovery and have fun with the wordplay! As always, we value your contributions, so please leave a comment when you think of other ways to explore, using the letter C. (Please remember to keep your comments G-rated!)

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ABC Lists-Exploring With The Letter B

This is an ever expanding list for the letter B. Here you will find; activities, cities, countries, emotions, events, festivals, individual states, phrases and words. Basically, this is a long list that might be helpful when planning any adventure using the letter B. This list will be updated regularly, as more suggestions are offered. Eventually it will be broken down into categories. Remember, a word may have more than one meaning. For example, the word “bath”  could be used when describing a location like Bath, England or it could mean a container, used for cleaning the body, which holds a large volume of water.  Words can become actions, emotions or lead you to discover new destinations. They won’t necessarily be the same as the dictionary definition. Be creative and use this list in any way that inspires you to try something new! It will be impossible to list every B themed word here, so remember to look for restaurants, stores, road names etc., that may begin with the letter B. Think beyond locations. Consider new foods to try, animals to see , experiences to have, song titles that inspire you, or anything else that gets you thinking out of the box. Let your own individual experiences reflect a personal journey of discovery and have fun with the wordplay! As always, we value your contributions, so please leave a comment when you think of other ways to explore, using the letter B. (Please remember to keep your comments G-rated!)

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ABC Lists-Exploring With The Letter A

This is an ever expanding list of adventures for the letter “A”.  Generally Alan and I use a dictionary to generate a long list of  “A” words.  We then try to use these words to spark date or travel ideas.   Read through the adventures below, to see some of the ways we might put the words together, to come up with our adventures.  This list may also generate ideas for photos to take, while we are on the date and/or offer words we might try to incorporate into our story.  Keep the list going by posting “additional” ideas below!

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Day 18-Pick a Word



Do you ever look at your partner and see your entire future?  Our first ABC adventure, was on the Agawa Train Tour, you can read about it here.  I remember looking at my husband and thinking about all the ways I adore him. Adoration is defined by Webster’s dictionary, as deep love.  I love this mans quirks, the challenge he presents me and his strengths.  I want this time together, this time which is just for us.  I want him to know that in this moment, he is my priority.  I want to offer him my undivided attention, so he knows that I hear him.  I want to wake each morning and make him feel like the most important person in the world. I want to retire each night, satisfied that we have given our best, to the betterment of our marriage.  I want him to know that he is utterly and completely adored because this is exactly the way he makes me feel when we focus on our relationship.  This marriage, this friendship, this love, is the future I saw for us, the very first time we held hands.  It is the same one I still see every time I hold him.  Celebrating our adoration for each other, was the best place to begin our ABC adventures.

Document the Journey



Play the word game!  Mix up your journaling by focusing the content around a single word.

“A” is for “Anniversary at Aonach Mor”!-Harbor Springs, Michigan


Thirty years is a long time to be married.  We wanted to do something different for this special anniversary.  Since our wedding date falls on January 8th, we are often at a loss for how to celebrate during the peak of Michigan’s winter weather.  We had booked a beautiful room in Harbor Springs, Michigan for the weekend.  As part of our Anniversary package, we were given $150 resort credit, to be used at any of the nearby Boyne Resorts.  I scanned the opportunities.  There was skiing, tubing, dog sled pulls, horse drawn sleigh rides and something called the Aonach Mor Moonlight Dinner.  Since we were on an “A” themed adventure, this caught my eye.

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A is for Amazing Alden

P7047772 It was a hot summer day, as we set off to explore our first Michigan city. Barely a pinprick on a map, Alden is tiny.   Alan and I had often passed right through on our way to somewhere seemingly more exciting. With a population of just 125 people, it is easy to believe that there is not much there.  Opening the atlas we decided this was the nearest “A” themed location, to our home. Determined to find something of interest in this sleepy little town we traveled for nearly an hour, specifically to see it. Entering the four block long town, colorful signs announce that you have arrived, but blink and you will have traveled beyond the few stores and restaurants that reside in the restored buildings, dating from the 1800’s.

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A is for Alcohol


Would you be surprised to learn we rarely drink alcohol?

Would you be surprised to learn we rarely drink alcohol?


If you like alcohol you could center your next adventure around a drink.  Perhaps order an aperitif, absinth or Amaretto Sour before you eat.  Or, you might choose to wash your meal down with an ale.   If you don’t like to indulge, there is always apple juice or apple cider.  Wherever your “A” theme takes you, it is sure to be a journey.  How will you tell your story?

A is for our Amazing Earth

Acadia, Maine and the mighty Atlantic ocean!

Acadia, Maine and the mighty Atlantic ocean!


Perhaps you desire to stand in awe of our amazing earth.  National Parks are great for this.  In Maine, you could visit Acadia to view the Atlantic ocean.  Across the country, in the state of Montana, you might choose to discover an alpine meadow in Glacier National Park.

If it is high “adventure” you seek,  you might want to add Australia to your ABC bucket list, with a goal to see the Aurora Australis.  You’ll have to go  further north to view the Aurora borealis.  I hear the Alps, Alaska, Argentina and Africa are awesome too.   Where will you take your next “A” themed adventure?


A is for Appetite

Everyone needs to eat.  What about creating an adventure around food?  Here are a few ideas to whet your appetite:

If apples are your thing there are many adventures  you could create around this fruit.  Visit an orchard, then bake them in a pie and then serve it “a la mode”.  You could teach someone how to make applesauce.  If you don’t like apples, there are also “apricots”.   If vegetables are more appealing, try asparagus and/or avocados. For the seed eaters among us, how about almonds and/or acorns?

You could have an adventure by eating a la cart off a menu, or by trying  different appetizers at several restaurants.  Adventures could also center around Asian or Australian cuisine.  Food is always a great reason to explore.  Where will your journey take you?


Document the JourneyWRITING TIP:

Food brings people together, so why not let it be the subject of one of your next entries.  Consider the traditions that form around the food.  Who are the characters?  Is there a recipe that has been handed down? What stories get told around the food?  Does food trigger a memory from childhood?  These are all great things to include in your journal.  The next time you dig into your favorite food, try writing a bit about it.

A is for Art

Art Prize!

Art Prize!

Within each city, there are many ways to create an “A” themed adventure.  In almost any location,  you could explore art.  There are many ways to do this.  You could make art, or go to an art gallery, or an art museum.  You could further specialize this activity, by viewing abstract art exclusively.  Perhaps an art & craft show is more your speed. There are a lot of ways to focus on art.   One of our personal favorites is Art Prize.

If you are ever in Grand Rapids, MIchigan during  September and October, we highly recommend this free event.  This is a contest, which draws artists from around the world.  For nearly 3 weeks, entries remain on display throughout parks, streets, restaurants, laundromats, theaters ect.  The entire city seems to participate.  This event covers miles of area, so wear your walking shoes!  Artists compete for your vote in an attempt to win the $200,000 cash prize. Visit for an hour, or stay for a week, there is plenty to explore.

A is for Airplanes

Air Show!


There is always something going on in a city A community calendar will show a list of events.  If you are lucky, you might discover an air show.  You could pass the time by watching  acrobatic planes, performing aerial maneuvers.    If you can’t find an air show, how about heading to a nearby airport and dreaming about your next adventure.


G is for the Gorgeous Grass River Natural Area




On our way home from Bellaire, we decided to hike in the “Grass River Natural Area”.  This “great” place is a little off the beaten path, but it isn’t hard to find.  We had heard from others about the amazing “gem” that this protected location is.  With our long, cold winters, there are few things more wonderful than being outside on a warm summer day.  We learned a long time ago to enjoy the sun when it shines!   


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was already late afternoon by the time we got started.  Without a plan, we had come unprepared. It was 90 degrees when we set out from the parking lot. We knew we would soon be succumbing to the heat, since we had arrived without our water bottles.  It might have been easy to talk ourselves out of this date since we were also wearing the wrong shoes and hadn’t brought bug spray.   Instead, we chose to live in the moment.  As we set off, we were immediately “greeted” by a friendly Docent on her way home for the day.  She directed us to one of the easier trails.  There are six of them which all interconnect via a looped system, none of them are really difficult, some are just longer than others.




We hoped to cover about 2 miles of the available 7. Wooden boardwalks led us over the wetlands and swampy areas, they also served to guide us through the delicate Fern Trails.  Nature reminds us to reflect on this simplicity and take a moment to just breath. We paused often along our walk, sometimes just to observe a dragonfly lighting upon a cat tail, or a frog jumping into one of the many rivulets.  My date wasn’t bad to look at either!






Eventually, we arrived at a wooden dock where we sat quietly for a bit to enjoy the view of the Grass River. The heat seemed to be keeping people away.   Except for the sound of bugs and birds, there was only silence and solitude.  it was a “great” mini “getaway” to end our day.

I for one am “grateful” that communities choose to protect areas such as this.  The respite these places provide is priceless.  Best of all, this had been a completely free date!

E is for Empty Bowls


Our “E” date was really “easygoing”.  Our mission was to attend the “Empty Bowls” Fundraiser.  This nationwide “event” is generally held on World Hunger Day, and is meant to bring attention to the many who go without food.  This is symbolized by the “empty” bowl.   As we “enjoyed” our simple meal of soup and bread, we were “entertained” by local musicians.    Everyone here is a volunteer. There is also a silent auction. After “eating”,  attendees are invited to choose an empty bowl home,  a reminder to be conscientious of world hunger.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABowls are made throughout the year.  Most of these are ceramic, but some are created from a variety of mediums, such as wood or glass. Most are only symbolic, such as those which are woven.  Each bowl has been made by an area artist, student or community member.   With few restrictions, the sizes and designs vary from year to year and become quite the collectors item.  Viewing the 800-1000  bowls displayed in mass, which is also about how many people attend this event, sends a pretty powerful message.     Alan chose a bowl which looked like a pie crust.  He said it reminded him of his mom’s Lemon Meringue Pie (you can see that story here).




D is for the Dollar Store and Dessert Date

This is what happens when you have no “direction” for a “date”!  We figured the “Dollar Store” was as good as anywhere to begin our adventures.

photo 5







We like to “donate” at this store, by sticking “dollar bills” to the toy shelves, leaving them for children to “discover”.  This random act of kindness brings such “delight”.

photo 4(3)


“Determined” to have fun, we walked around the store, I “dared” my husband to “don a dinosaur” mask , he obliged.  We are such “dorks”!  We were laughing so hard, we “drew” attention to ourselves and people began to question what we were up to, so we  “decided” it was time to move on.



We couldn’t make up our mind what to eat for “dinner”, so we settled on “dessert”.   We had forgotten to bring our letters into the restaurant, so we used the “doily” to make the letter “d”.

photo 4(1)

After telling our waitress what we were “doing”, she kept running to the kitchen to tell the staff what we were up to.  They ended up “donating” our treats to us, because they thought we were “darling”.




Our marital secret is to “delight” in the little things.

C is For A Collection of Curiosities


We arrived at the third if our twenty six themed dates feeling a little more confidant about our creativity.  Even though it was March, it remained very cold.  We knew this would be another inside date.  Our first stop was as a consignment store.  This particular store carries high quality items and is always a joy to look around.  We found many nice things but didn’t find much that we felt that we needed.

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B Is For Burgers and Baskets



Some nineteen years ago, around the time our youngest son turned two, we had committed to a weekly or bi-weekly date night.  When our children were young, I didn’t like to leave them.  Occasionally we hired a sitter but mostly we just made time for each other at home.  We learned from early on in our marriage, that time was the most precious thing we could give each other.   During those early years,  Alan worked 90-120 hours a week, trying to establish our new company.  Continue reading

A is for Agawa Train Tour-Sault Saint Marie, Ontario, Canada

Our mission for the first alphabet adventure was to begin working our way through the alphabet, from A-Z, in order.  Unintentionally, we seemed to be starting with the letter “B” for blizzard!  As our windshield wipers struggled to keep up with the storm, I was concerned that we would have to turn around and forfeit our tickets for the “Agawa Canyon Train Tour”.  We didn’t have this luxury though, because during the winter, there is only a single trip each week, which takes place on Saturdays.  Since it was Friday, we decided to press on, hoping to make our pre-arranged departure time, scheduled for the following day.  Alan is an excellent driver and conditions like this are not unusual for those of us that reside in Michigan.  Thankfully, it was a brief and localized storm which “abated” about an hour out-of-town.   Finally we began utilizing our “A” themed words!

A challenging start to our adventure.

A challenging start to our adventure.

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A List of ABC Date Ideas

Do you ever tire of the same old dinner and a movie date?  Sometimes you have to put a little adventure into your relationship.

We started using the alphabet to set the theme for our dates.  We are dedicating this month to sharing the various  dates we have created.

We are always building ABC lists so check back often.

Here is a list of the words we have used to generate our ideas for a super date night:

A-al fresco, art, ATV, Axe Throwing

B-, biking, bowling


DDollar Store, Drive In, Dine, Darts, dessert

E-Escape Room

F-Fall Color Tour



I-ice cream



L-lake, Lavender Farm






R-rent a car, river, raft

S-sledding, skiing, snowboarding

T-tea tasting, train, tubing

U-U Pick

V-vineyard, volunteer

W-wine tasting, work out




ABC Dating-10 Reasons to Plan an ABC Date With Your Partner



“Us” after 35 years of marriage!

I remember skipping down the road, holding my husband’s hand.  As we were crossing the street, a woman  was coming toward us.  Obviously scorned by love she said,  “you won’t be doing that in a few years”.  I stopped and asked her how long she thought we had been married.  “You must be newlyweds”, she replied.  In fact, we had already been married for 12 years!  After 35+ years of marriage, we still skip and act silly.  This man is still my best friend.

Dating is what has kept our marriage fresh.  Here are a few benefits to “dating” your partner.

  1. Dating prioritizes your partner.  Even if you only spend an hour a week “together”, this tells your partner that they are cherished and worthy of your time.
  2. Dating is attractive.  As we look at and listen to our partner, it gives us the opportunity to admire the physical and mental attributes which draw us to them.
  3. Dating is intentional.  It says to your partner that they matter enough to you, to create special moments.  It shows that you are continuing to invest in your relationship.
  4. Dating around a theme is unique. By thoughtfully designing a date, you will soon find yourselves sharing experiences unlike anyone else.   The memories you create together become stories to be revisited as you age.
  5. Dating around a theme can be revealing.   It may bring out a playful, creative and/or funny side. It may show you what makes their eyes sparkle, or what gives them passion and purpose in life.  This may allow you a window into your partners personality.  It may allow you to admire them all over again.  It may remind you why you fell in love with them to begin with.
  6. Dating allows us to be role models.  Our children will develop a framework of standards for their own marriages.  People who see us having fun, may aspire to create the same with their partner.
  7. Dating encourages teamwork.  When you date with purpose, you are trying to accomplish something specific together.   This partnership mentality transfers to all aspects of your life.
  8.  Dating gives us a sense of security.   The more loved and nurtured we feel, the more trust we place in each other, the more trust, the more secure we become.
  9. Dating gives us time. It is easy to put a relationship on the back burner. Responsibilities can quickly get the better of most of us.  Without attention, passion dies.  There is an old saying, “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”.  To which I would respond, “then water your side”.
  10. Dating creates a lasting bond.  Kids grow up and leave home.  Eventually you may retire.  As life moves through its stages, your partner is the only thing which remains constant.  Nurturing your relationship allows a bond, meant to withstand all stages of  life.

Document the Journey



Bored of writing the same way?   Try a list of 10.



ABC Celebrations-A is for “Anniversary With Cash Only”

We woke on the morning of our 35th anniversary with no plans for the day.   As our family began to wish us well, we were chastised for not putting in more effort into the celebration.

I knew we had to come up with an idea, so I quickly challenged Alan to create one of our special dates.  We knew we would find a way to work in an ABC adventure.  This would become our “Anniversary by Cash” date!

As with all great anniversary celebrations, there was the checklist of goals to fulfill:

A-The day needed to fill our appetites by including dinner and chocolate.  Since this was a special celebration, we would toast it with alcohol.  We agreed there needed to be ambience, complete with music, flowers, candlelight and romance.

B-We really wanted to challenge our creativity, so there was a strict budget of $35, one dollar for each year we had been married.

C-Finally, we needed to demonstrate how much we cherished each other.  This needed to be in writing, but could not be in a card.  Everything needed to be paid for in cash.


The budget and goals for our anniversary.


Alan worked for a bit in the morning, returning home around 2 to pick me up.  I told him to dress warm, we were going to be outside. I was deliberately vague with our destination, figuring we would see where the day took us. The sun was shining and the temperature was a balmy 28 degrees!  After the stagnant winter we had been experiencing, we needed some fresh air.  We left home bundled against the elements and ready to explore.

We headed toward one of our favorite little towns called Empire.  I wanted to get the chocolate part of the date out of the way while we still had money.  (Not really, I just wanted chocolate!)




Our chocolate goal!

Our chocolate goal!



Just outside of Empire, a bright green building shines like a beacon against the snowy backdrop.  Who would ever expect to find a chocolatier in this part of the world?  Grocer’s Daughter imports their chocolate from Equador and ships their handmade confections around across the country.






Handmade chocolates and fresh hot chocolate.

Handmade chocolates and fresh hot chocolate.


I momentarily considered using the free sample, to fulfill our chocolate goal, but decided that would just be cheap.  Instead I purchased a sweet little bumble bee (my namesake), to share with Alan.  Our budget was now down a dollar.

Knowing this store had likely not had much business on this cold winter day, I wasn’t going to be THAT cheap, so I also purchased hot chocolate mix.  I did not count this in my budget because it would be consumed on a different day.




Yes, it really was that cold!

Yes, it really was that cold!


After our chocolate, we headed towards Empire beach.  In the summer, we often frequent this location to watch couples get married, or just observe a sunset.  The scenery looks far different in the winter.  The frozen landscape was equally as beautiful.  The beach was full of ice balls.  These are a phenomenon which occur mostly in Lake Michigan.  They develop when chunks of ice break off from larger sheets of ice.  As the smaller pieces tumble in the waves, they mix with slush.  The rhythmic action of the waves, rolls them into perfect balls, eventually throwing them onto the shore.   They made walking along the beach a little difficult, but determined, we persisted.




Frozen landscape!

Frozen landscape!



We are fortunate to live in a place with such stunning scenery. It had been weeks since we had, had a clear day. The day was particularly bright, as if the sun had come out just for us.   We had brought along our snowshoes, which we hoped to try for the first time.  I don’t know what we were thinking, but we definitely would not be snow shoeing today.





Our love grows daily.

Our love grows daily.


It was very windy on the beach, so after our walk, we posed long enough for a kiss and then we moved on.








We were enjoying our winter date so much, that we wanted to continue driving around the Sleeping Bear area.  Soon we found ourselves in Glen Haven.   There is a secluded beach near the Day Canning Company, a historic building which is part of the fabric of this community.

Much less wind in Glen Haven.

Much less wind in Glen Haven.

With all of our walking, we were now ready to enjoy a little break.  The blue blanket was spread upon the windswept snow for the mini picnic which I had packed. Alan had been creative too.  He had brought along his new bluetooth speaker, which I had given him for Christmas.  He hooked it up to his phone to play a recorded version of “our” song, “For Your Eyes Only”.  This was from a James Bond movie by the same name, which was also the first date that we had gone on.  The music seemed in stark contrast to the frozen seclusion we were enjoying.  As we slow danced in the frigid air, anyone observing us, might have thought we were crazy.



A winter picnic!

A winter picnic!

Reflecting on our many years of memories Alan enjoyed a cup of hot tea, while I drank my hot chocolate, which was from a packet of Nestle instant, not the lovely chocolate which I had purchased from Grocer’s Daughter. The icy air soon cooled our drinks off, so we downed them quickly.



I think the cold was affecting us.  We grew silly and made snow angels and wrote notes to each other in the snow.


All around us seemed to be glowing with a golden light, it seemed perfect to reflect the celebration of our love.    We had now completed three goals…to express our love in writing, to have a date with music and to eat chocolate.

Alan bought me roses!

Alan bought me roses!

With thirty four dollars remaining, we headed to Traverse City to complete our date.  Looking for wine, we stopped at a local grocery store, where we found a single serving of boxed vino, on sale, for just under three dollars.  Since we don’t really drink alcohol, we decided this would be plenty.   As we were leaving the store, a gumball machine, containing tattoos, caught my eye.  Here were my flowers!  It took 2 attempts to get a flower, but a rose was delivered on the second insertion of 50 cents.  We were down to thirty dollars.  Two more missions were now complete.  We then decided to head to the dollar store, where we found some wine glasses which seemed appropriate for the day.  We debated losing two dollars from our budget, but decided they were too cute not to purchase.  We also picked up a candle to add a little ambience to our dinner.  With a few more items off of our list, we had twenty seven dollars remaining.  We still needed to feed ourselves.

Wine, cheaper than therapy!

Wine, cheaper than therapy!







All that remained on our checklist was dinner.  Alan decided it was time to get Lucky(s).  Get your mind out of the gutter!  It’s a local fresh food market which has an amazing food bar.  We chose  homemade tomato and fennel soup, with fresh sandwiches and apple turnovers.   We now had all our food and drinks.  We had even come in with 53 cents left in our budget!  Finally we could head home with our goodies. 

It was time to get Lucky(s)

It was time to get Lucky(s)

On budget!

On budget, with 53 cents to spare!







Our abode is our favorite place to be.  As we evaluated how our Anniversary had been, we marveled at our adventure.  Reflecting on our day, we realized what an amazing anniversary we indeed enjoyed.  Every goal had been met.  With one exception, it had been the perfect celebration.   We would highly encourage you not to purchase cheap wine in a box, no matter how much you want to fulfill a goal! Happy 35th Anniversary to “Us”.  I wonder what we will do to top it next year.

Celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary with dinner, flowers, candlelight and wine.