About Us

Why this blog?

“We want to help people learn to live bigger and capture their stories along the way.”

ABC Explorers began, after being inspired by a young couple. Using the alphabet as their guide, they traveled the world.  It had taken them several years to get to the letter W. All along, they documented their journey with photos and stories which carried us along with them. As they began to near the end of the alphabet, the male partner had something special in mind. When the couple arrived at their “W” themed destination, he had his girlfriend hold up the letter to mark their location.  Since this was their usual routine, she never suspected that he was up to something.  With a nod to the “W” theme, he had arranged for someone to unfurl a banner in the background that read, “Will You Marry Me?  Until the photos were developed, the future bride didn’t even realize that her partner had proposed!  Imagine the story they now have to tell.

Life is really just a series of stories.  Sometimes they are interesting, but more often our days are filled with  responsibilities and can be pretty routine.  We can soon become complacent and fall into rigid patterns.  Sometimes you have to choose to be purposeful and live with intention.

We have created ABC Explorers with that intention and we want you to join us in our quest for adventure.  Whether we are going on vacation or just creating a date night, we continuously challenge ourselves to use the alphabet as a starting point.  Sometimes we finish the alphabet and sometimes we don’t.  There are no hard and fast rules.

Our only goal is to grow…our relationships, our writing skills, our photography skills and our understanding of the places we see.  Our mission is to live purposeful lives.

Random Facts About “Us”:

  • Alan has a beautiful British accent.
  • Deb was born in England to a U.S. Airforce Father and a Royal Air Force Mother.
  • Alan is very witty and somewhat sarcastic.  If you ask him to “say something in English”, he will reply, “something”.
  • Deb grew up on the plains of Colorado.
  • They met in England, while Deb was visiting family.
  • Alan proposed to Deb, 3 weeks after meeting her.
  • Deb was 17.
  • They have been married for over 35 years.
  • Alan is a master of nearly everything.
  • Deb doesn’t let him do the painting.
  • They flip houses.
  • Alan’s hobbies are reading and being in love with Deb.
  • Deb’s passions are writing, gardening and photography and being in love with Alan.
  • Alan favors technology.
  • Deb is a perpetual learner, so she is always studying.
  • They both love to travel.
  • Alan has been a business owner for nearly 30 years.
  • Deb has had 3 distinct careers, but is retired now due to health issues.
  • Alan has a photographic memory, which means they never get lost.
  • Deb is an auditory learner, so often doesn’t notice if a building has been standing for years.
  • Alan believes in encouraging people to achieve their dreams.
  • Deb believes in creating traditions and celebrating family.
  • They are parents to 3 adult sons.
  • Deb and Alan cherish each other and work daily to make their story worthy of sharing.