R is for Royalty-Our Oahu, Honolulu Adventure

While on our Pacific Island Tour, our first stop was the island of Oahu in Hawaii.  The cruise ship docked at 9am.  We would be in port from 9am-11pm.  Our first tour wasn’t scheduled until noon.  We had a 10 1/2 hour exploration at the Polynesian Cultural Center planned to fill our afternoon and evening hours.   Never ones to waste time, this meant we had a couple hours we could still explore.  A scout around at the internet gave me a historical/architectural walking tour, which I figured we could complete in a couple of hours. Hand in hand we set off from the dock, our goal was to see the Capitol Building, the Eternal Flame, the church, the King Kameamea Statue and the beautiful Iolani Palace.  We stepped up our pace.