Day9-Food Brings Us Together

Food brings people together, so why not let it be the subject of one of your next entries.  Consider the traditions that form around the food.  Who are the characters?  Is there a recipe that has been handed down? What stories get told around the food?  Does food trigger a memory from childhood?  These are all great things to include in your journal.  The next time you dig into your favorite food, try writing a bit about it.



                                                Lemon Meringue Pie

photo 1(11)As a new wife, I had toiled the entire day to make a lemon meringue pie for my husband, Alan.  I knew it was his favorite and I couldn’t wait for him to return form work to try it.  I had made the crust by hand, whipped the eggs into frothy peaks and even grated the lemon rind, to add a bit of decoration. It had taken the better part of a day to make, so when Alan bit into the pie and expressed that he preferred his mother’s recipe, I was initially disappointed.  However, we had promised honesty in our relationship, so I set out to make sure I added this recipe to my growing collection.  I knew that all 4 of Josie’s children loved her lemon meringue, it must be very special.  I anticipated a long discussion about the unique ingredients it would take to perfect this treat, on my second attempt.  We laughed together when she revealed that the coveted favorite, had come from a package! For the past 32 years, this has remained a humorous story for our family, retold every time the dessert is served. Needless to say, my husband has never again had the benefit of a lemon meringue pie made from scratch.  This sweet treat is now mostly enjoyed, when we get together with my mother-in-law, it is her specialty.  Upon arrival at her home, my husband stealthily searches the kitchen, looking for the pie.  He tries very hard not to be too obvious about his anticipation.  No matter how early our arrival,  he is never disappointed, to find the pie already baked and steadfastly waiting in the aging aluminum pan, on her counter.  During the years that she would travel to our home, Josie would always carry a box or two in her suitcase, ready to make the treat, once she arrived.  As a mother of three son’s myself, I understand when Alan is served a bigger piece, or at times maybe even a second helping, without requesting it. This man is blessed by two women who love him deeply.  Knowing this time and these memories are precious, I am happy to stand aside and let this Mama spoil her son during our visits.  When the time comes to hand down the recipe, this time, I’ll know right where to find it and I’ll be sure to teach my future daughter-in-laws the magic ingredients to add!