Day 8- Keep it Real!

The written story is more interesting when you can bring personality to the page.  What is it that makes people human?  Dare to be vulnerable, dare to tell the truth.  The following entry was posted to my travel journal, but the story would work equally well in a personal journal.

I admit, I am not the most observant person.  My husband often kindly smiles at me, as I notice a building for the first time, while he gently explains that it has been there for several years.  Every day, whether traveling or not, is a new adventure in my own head.  I am an auditory learner and as such, I am continuously discovering visual things for the first time.  While traveling through Wales, we were on the lookout for signs directing us to a scenic overview, of a specific waterfall we wanted to visit.

the-speeding-camera-sign-dtj4b5I noticed this sign.  Thinking it looked like a camera, I suggested that perhaps the turnout was nearby.  My poor husband nearly wet himself with laughter.   Had I been more observant, I would have noticed that these symbols exist all around the country.  They are often at intersections and usually bare the words “traffic signal cameras”.  We call these moments in my life, “Debbie isms”. These are the memories that will bring smiles to peoples faces for years after I am gone.  I am quite sure these are the stories that will be recalled in my eulogy some day!  I will bet, that the next time you travel to England, Scotland or Wales, at least one of you will have a laugh when you see this symbol, as you recollect my adventures to your travel partners!  I can also assure you that I have just educated a number of people about how to interpret this sign!  Happy travels.