ABC Lists

Words lead to ideas.  When we begin with the alphabet, then fill in words which start with that letter, it begins to open up our creativity.

I use the dictionary to get started.

Let’s take the letter A for example.  Here are a few words I have for this letter:

A-Abode, Acoustic, al fresco

What comes to mind when you read these words?

Do you see your own house?  Did you automatically think of music or a guitar?  Did you imagine yourself eating outside?

This is what words do.  They make you think bigger.  Now imagine a date night planned around these words.

You could even make this a free activity…what about setting up dinner at your own “abode” (home).  Plan to dine outside “al fresco” style while you listen to an “acoustic” guitar.  See how easy it is to create an ABC Adventure!

You could plan a vacation around these words by exploring cultures.

Start a list for each letter of the alphabet.  Become a collector of words and the ideas will begin to flow freely.

We will share our lists throughout the month of December.