“G” is for Gaylord, Michigan-An ABC List to Discover This Town



This Alpine themed, “Up North” city is central to everything you could want from a  Northern Michigan adventure.  Situated on the 45th parallel, the Bavarian influence is everywhere in this tiny town.  Of course there are plenty of forests and lakes surrounding the area, after all, this unspoiled haven is what most people flock to the north to discover.

The area had first been named Okkaddo, which was later changed to Otsego which means “clear water”.  There are also top-notch galleries, music festivals and unique shops to discover. There is also a large convention center all strategically positioned in the heart of the state.  Design your own adventure as you explore this beautiful location.


Here are a few ideas to help you create your own ABC Adventure:

A-Aspen Park, Alpine Chocolates, Antique Shows, Alpenfest (Festival), Alpine Traveler and Eatery (Eat, Dine), Active (ATV, golf, ski, snowmobile)

B-Beach, Bennethum’s Northern Inn (Eat, Dine), Brewery/Brew Pub, Big bottle (fun photo op)

C-Claude Shannon Park, Call of the Wild Museum

D-Doumas Park, Dine, Downtown, Demonstration Garden

E-Elk Park, Eat, elk herd

F-Farmers Markets, Festivals (see-Alpenfest), Freel Park

G-Gobblers of Gaylord (Eat, Dine), Golf


I-Irontone Spring, Ice skate

J-Joseph N. Hale Park



M-Mary’s Tavern (see also Brewery)


O-Otsego Lake State Park, Otsego Sports Complex

P-Pavilion on Court, Parks



S-Ski, Snowmobile, Shop, Snowbelt Brewery

T-Tavern (see also Brewery), The Rusty Pelican (Shop)







Check back often, I will keep building this list as we discover more fun things to add to it!



M is for Magical Michigan-An Alphabetical List of Michigan Cities

When we first began our ABC Adventures, we chose to explore the cities in our state.  Whether it was tiny or a major metropolis, we discovered so much about where we live.   Find your next adventure by starting with a city, town or village to see what you might discover.





Battle Creek


Big Rapids

Boyne City









Elk Rapids

Fife Lake



Glen Arbor

Grand Haven

Grand Rapids



Higgins Lake


Houghton Lake

Indian River


Iron Mountain



Lake Ann






Maple City

Mount Pleasant


North Manitou Island




Presque Isle



Rogers City

Sault Saint Marie

Silver Lake

St. Johns

Suttons Bay

Tawas City


Traverse City









“C” Is For “Champagne Celebrations”-Cruising

Copy (2) ofDSC_0568                                                                             Champagne Celebrations


Twice in my life I have had the opportunity to stand at the top of a champagne fountain. The tall tower is stacked pyramid style, with 650 precisely balanced glasses. This Italian celebration is usually done at weddings.  Alan and I have been fortunate to have had calm seas, for the Princess Cruise line tradition to take place in the middle of the atrium. Mostly this event is another formal night, photo opportunity for the cruise lines, but I enjoy the excitement of pouring the bubbly. Besides, this is a free drink event, so of course we will always attend! Continue reading

“A” Is For “Altered States”-Cruising


Cruising Through The Alphabet-A Is For Altered States


In our real world, Alan and I don’t drink much alcohol.  Usually we’ll have a glass of wine at Christmas and a Mimosa on New Year’s Eve.  We might indulge in the odd wine cooler or a glass of wine with friends.  On average, we probably have 8-10 drinks of alcohol, per year.  Take us on a cruise though and we become different people, usually enjoying at least one drink a day, sometimes a lot more!  Maybe it is the freedom from driving, kids and work that we feel.  But I think there is more to it than that.  What is it about this change of environment that makes us alter our behavior so radically?

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“B” Is For Balcony-Cruising

B is For Balcony

On our first cruise, in 1994, we had an interior room.  At the time, we didn’t know any better and we couldn’t afford more.  Like many first time cruisers, we started and ended our day with activities, using our room for little more than falling into bed, exhausted.  This is the number one reason we hear for not upgrading the room and if you have nothing to compare it to, then price alone can be a compelling argument.  After twenty years of cruising, and a few lessons, we have come to understand the difference that this little extension of the room makes.

Copy (1) ofDSC_0899I remember the first time we had a balcony, there were things to learn.  Lulled by the soft breeze and setting sun, we fell asleep with the curtains open.  Forgetting that it is a continually changing landscape outside that window,  we woke the next morning in port,  docked next to another ship, looking directly onto their balcony rooms…and they into ours!    Still, that ever changing, floor to ceiling view is just one of several reasons to have a balcony room.  This is especially true when cruising very scenic locations such as Alaska.  While most passengers are on deck fighting for that perfect picture of the glaciers, you can simply return to your room and enjoy the passing scenery in quiet serenity.

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Around the Ship-An ABC Cruising List

Cruising is so unique that I thought it deserved an ABC list of its own!  Use this list to discover your ship.  Highlighted items will link to other stories within the blog and/or you may use the search feature.


Art Auction

Art Gallery


At Sea



Beauty Salon

Bridge Tour



Cabin Steward



Centrum (see also atrium)

Champagne Tower

Chocolate Buffet

Cigar Room









Excursion Desk


Fitness Center

Formal Night

Free Dining

Future Cruise Sales

Galley Tour




Guest Services

Hidden decks

Hot tubs

Ice cream

Internet at Sea




Learn Something New






Maitre d



Medical Center

Movies Under the Stars


Muster Drill


Open Ocean

Organizing a Cabin

Passenger Services


Photos/Video Gallery



Room Service

Sail Away Party




Shore Excursion Desk




Splash Pool



Teen Center

Towel Art


Vow Renewal

Walk a Mile

Wine Tasting


eXcursion Desk







ABC Lists-Exploring With the Letter “F”

This is an ever expanding list for the letter F. Here you will find words which describe; activities, name places  (cities, towns, states, countries, restaurants, stores etc).  Words may elicit emotions, describe an event or festival or be the beginning of phrases and quotes. . Basically, you are limited only by your own imagination.  Therefore, this is a long list, with a variety of words which might be helpful when planning any adventure using the letter F. This list will be updated regularly, as more suggestions are offered. Eventually it will be broken down into categories. Remember, a word may have more than one meaning. For example, the word “farm” might bring to mind a Farmers Market for one person but an animal farm for another. Words can become actions, emotions or lead you to discover new destinations. They won’t necessarily be the same as the dictionary definition. Be creative and use this list in any way that inspires you to try something new! It will be impossible to list every word/phrase beginning with F here, so remember to look for restaurants, stores, road names etc., to inspire you. Think beyond locations. Consider new foods to try, animals to see , experiences to have, song titles that speak to you, or anything else that gets you thinking out of the box. Let your own individual experiences reflect a personal journey of discovery and have fun with the wordplay! As always, we value your contributions, so please leave a comment when you think of other ways to explore, using the letter F. (Please remember to keep your comments G-rated!)  Here is our list so far.  Remember to check back often as we are always growing the lists.







Farmer’s Market


Favorite (colors, flowers, foods, quotes….)

Favorite Things to do Alone

Favorite Things to do Together














Fish & Chips






Folk/ Folklore/Folk dance


Food (eat it, make it or catch it)











French Cuisine






Journal Prompts-Travel Writng Prompts For “After” Your Visit

The following journal prompts can add interest to your travel journal.  Here are a few to use “after” your visit.

  1. Describe the highlights of your trip?
  2. What was your favorite tour or activity?
  3. What was your favorite meal?
  4. Describe your favorite day or evening on this trip.
  5. Recall something funny that happened on the trip.
  6. Were there any challenges or outright disasters?
  7. What was the worst thing that happened on your trip?
  8. How did this adventure help you grow?
  9. Has your perception of the destination changed because of this trip?
  10. Has this trip inspired you to make changes in your life at home?
  11. What is something new you learned from this trip?
  12. Is there anything about this trip that didn’t meet your expectations?
  13. Is there anything you would do differently next time you visit? (For example, experiences you missed or mode of travel?)
  14. Overall, would you visit this location again?
  15. What is one thing you wish you would’ve done?
  16. Did this trip challenge your limits physically or put you out of your comfort zone? Will you make changes on your next vacation?
  17. How did you feel when you arrived home?
  18. What do you wish you had packed and what could have been left at home?
  19. What is one piece of advice you would give someone else going on this trip?
  20. Where do you want to go next and why?

Journal Prompts-Travel Writing Prompts For “While You Are There”

Use the writing prompts below to add a little interest to your travel journal entries.  These prompts offer a reflection of your travel while you are “at” your destination.

  1. What was your first impression of your destination?  What did you see, hear and smell when you first arrived.
  2. Describe your accommodations;  your hotel lobby/room, Airbnb residence, cruise cabin etc.
  3. What has been a total surprise about this destination?
  4. What did you experience today that you enjoyed?  Even the small things…
  5. What emotions have you felt during this trip?
  6. Did anything make you smile, laugh or cry?  Did anything make you angry?
  7.  What was the worst thing that happened today?
  8.  Did you try anything new?
  9. Describe how people dress for work and play.
  10. What are the cultural differences between your culture and theirs?
  11. How do the people here spend their time on the weekends?
  12. How did an experience, person or place make you feel today?
  13. Have you met any locals?  Describe them.
  14. Describe an everyday activity you observed.  Have any of your perceptions or opinions changed?
  15. What traditions would you like to adopt?
  16.  What new foods did you try?
  17. What meal could you eat again and again?
  18. Have you tried a local beer or wine yet?  Describe it.
  19. Are there any current events at your destination that are affectng you?
  20. Did you learn any new words or phrases today?  How did you learn them?
  21. Sketch a moment you want to remember and/or a landmark.
  22. What will you miss when you return home?

Journal Prompts-Travel Writing Prompts For While You Are “En-Route” to Your Destination

Use the following to prompt your writing activity “en-route” to your next destination or adventure.

  1. What made you choose this destination or experience?
  2. What part of this trip have you enjoyed planning for the most?  What has been difficult?
  3. List some facts about your destination.
  4. What are your expectations of your destination or experience?
  5. What do you hope to learn on this adventure?
  6. Is there anything about the trip that worries you or makes you anxious?
  7. How will you prioritize your health while you are traveling?
  8. Make a list of things you can do for self-care while on the trip.
  9. What essential item(s) did you pack that you will never travel without?


Journal Prompts-Travel Writing Prompts For “Before” You Travel

Need a little writing inspiration?  Use the following prompts to get your creativity flowing.  The following are all about the activity “before” you travel:

  1. Detail your itinerary.  Why did you choose this itinerary?
  2. What have you researched about this destination already?
  3. What is on your bucket list at this destination?
  4. What is your purpose for traveling to this destination?  What are your expectations at this location?
  5. What advice have you read or been given about your destination?
  6. What are you most excited about? Why?
  7. Who are you traveling with?  Is this a solo trip or are you traveling with friends or family?
  8. Are you celebrating a milestone moment such as an anniversary, birthday or retirement?
  9. How will you get to your destination?  Describe your transportation and flight details.
  10. Are there local delicacies or new foods you can’t wait to try?
  11. What cultural customs did you research?
  12. Are there phrases or words in a new language?  Write them in your journal.
  13. Are you hoping to relax or do you have plans for big adventures while on this trip?
  14. What souvenir do you want to bring home? For whom?
  15. Give yourself a piece of advice before you leave on your trip.
  16. Share your to do lists or packing list.
  17. What movies or music did you download?
  18. Is there an inspirational quote? Either something you hear and want to remember or something which is a favorite? What feelings does it invoke?

Day 19-Tell a Story

One of my favorite journal entries was about a man I had observed entering a train I was traveling on. The train had been filled with tourists heading up Mount Snowden in Wales.  These were just ordinary people but then a very scary looking young man entered the train.  I did not know this person, but he exuded an intimidating air about him and he reeked of alcohol.  He was young.  He had a flask of alcohol and appeared intoxicated.  My sight seeing of the scenic journey had existed just beyond the window which he sat next to, it was an interesting juxta position of exploring while keeping one eye trained on this person and experiencing some discomfort at having to occupy a seat next to him.

This was a twist on my usual travel entries.  On that particular adventure, my journal entry would have typically   been limited to explaining how we had taken a train to the top of Mount Snowden in Wales.  I could have described the weather, the way the light flickered on the mountain and the climb in the elevation which had made me woozy.   Instead, I added this interesting character and included details which surrounded us as we shared the time together on the train.  As he stumbled off the train, I watched him head toward destinations unknown and built on this metaphor for my own travel adventures.

A story has a beginning, a middle and an end.  As you create an entry in your journal, consider writing in this form,


A is for Amazing Alden

P7047772 It was a hot summer day, as we set off to explore our first Michigan city. Barely a pinprick on a map, Alden is tiny.   Alan and I had often passed right through on our way to somewhere seemingly more exciting. With a population of just 125 people, it is easy to believe that there is not much there.  Opening the atlas we decided this was the nearest “A” themed location, to our home. Determined to find something of interest in this sleepy little town we traveled for nearly an hour, specifically to see it. Entering the four block long town, colorful signs announce that you have arrived, but blink and you will have traveled beyond the few stores and restaurants that reside in the restored buildings, dating from the 1800’s.

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G is for the Gorgeous Grass River Natural Area




On our way home from Bellaire, we decided to hike in the “Grass River Natural Area”.  This “great” place is a little off the beaten path, but it isn’t hard to find.  We had heard from others about the amazing “gem” that this protected location is.  With our long, cold winters, there are few things more wonderful than being outside on a warm summer day.  We learned a long time ago to enjoy the sun when it shines!   


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt was already late afternoon by the time we got started.  Without a plan, we had come unprepared. It was 90 degrees when we set out from the parking lot. We knew we would soon be succumbing to the heat, since we had arrived without our water bottles.  It might have been easy to talk ourselves out of this date since we were also wearing the wrong shoes and hadn’t brought bug spray.   Instead, we chose to live in the moment.  As we set off, we were immediately “greeted” by a friendly Docent on her way home for the day.  She directed us to one of the easier trails.  There are six of them which all interconnect via a looped system, none of them are really difficult, some are just longer than others.




We hoped to cover about 2 miles of the available 7. Wooden boardwalks led us over the wetlands and swampy areas, they also served to guide us through the delicate Fern Trails.  Nature reminds us to reflect on this simplicity and take a moment to just breath. We paused often along our walk, sometimes just to observe a dragonfly lighting upon a cat tail, or a frog jumping into one of the many rivulets.  My date wasn’t bad to look at either!






Eventually, we arrived at a wooden dock where we sat quietly for a bit to enjoy the view of the Grass River. The heat seemed to be keeping people away.   Except for the sound of bugs and birds, there was only silence and solitude.  it was a “great” mini “getaway” to end our day.

I for one am “grateful” that communities choose to protect areas such as this.  The respite these places provide is priceless.  Best of all, this had been a completely free date!

ABC Adventures

Alan and I have always lived very purposefully.  We have been married a long time and wanted to put a little fun back in our routines.  We decided to call these our ABC Adventures.  Over the years they have grown and now we travel and play by turning to the alphabet first.

What exactly is an ABC Adventure?  It is the art of letting the alphabet decide what your next move is going to be.  It is part Scavenger Hunt, part word play, part travel guide and part bucket list.    They are always fun.

Planning an adventure around the letters of the alphabet will force you to be more creative.  The letters can be used equally for creating a travel itinerary, or for planning a family reunion.  We have held birthday celebrations and Christmas explorations using the alphabet.  They may be played individually, as couples, or within a group.  There is no age limit to the participants.

ABC Adventures are virtually limitless and can be done one letter at a time, over a long period of time or do an entire alphabet in a single day…you set the rules.

In a nutshell you choose a letter, then choose a word which represents that letter.  Words can be single or phrases, they may represent something tangible such as the name of a location, or they may be more abstract, such as a color or emotion.  Once you have chosen your letter and thought up a word,  think up an activity,  place to visit, or emotion which represents that letter/word.

Ask how you capture this memory with photography.  Your words can be used to enhance your description of your activity or use them to stand alone with your image.

Choose another letter and start again.  Can you complete the entire alphabet?

Make it a little more fun and make up a set of letters.  We keep ours in our car so that we are ready for an adventure everywhere we go.

The letters are great conversation starters.  We are often asked what we are up to as we stand in front of a location with our chosen letter.  As we explain how we are exploring the world, others want to play their own version.

This is why we created ABC Explorers.   We use our letters to see the world, to build our relationships and to celebrate life.   As we share our adventures with you, we invite you to join us in our quest for leading a more purposeful life.